Public Domain: Works that you can use in any way you want to. Most works enter the public domain once intellectual property laws expire, but some enter because creators wish for their work to be available without copyright law restrictions.
Creative Commons: Creative Commons is an organization that has made the process of applying copyright licenses much easier. Creators can choose from six licenses with a range of restrictions and easily access the license and legal code for their choice. This clear licensing and common-sense explanation of copyright makes it a lot easier to find and use work legally and ethically.
Best practices for attribution for copyright (use 10px)
Rules for Web-Ready Images
Using Microsoft Photo Editor to create web-ready images:
Placing an Image in a Box
You can insert an video in any libguide from either a video source like youtube or a video from one of the other libraries using libguides. Vide
To insert a video:
Warning: Videos do not open in a seperate tab or page. Videos that have detailed content (e.g. screenshots) will not display properly in a narrow column. Place videos in a larger column.
Consider adding screenshots and icons where appropriate.
Taking screenshots on a PC:
Taking screenshots on a Mac:
Infographics, Wordles, Timelines, Charts, Graphs, Etc...