1. Begin by accessing Web of Science. The current landing page is for older version of Web of Science. Click on the purple "CHECK IT OUT" button to access the newest version of the platform.
2. Search for documents by entering keywords. Add rows for additional terms and select specific fields to search if needed.
1. Below is the search results page for the keyword "Psychology." Add, adjust, and remove terms by clicking inside the search bar that contains your current search strategy.
2. Refine search results by selecting filters listed in the Refine results column on the left. Filters include publication year, document type, and publication titles.
3. Search results are sorted by relevance. Use the drop-down menu next to Relevance (in the gray bar above the results list) to change the sort to other options such as date or highly cited.
1. Select results by clicking the empty box next to the title. Once selected, add them to a marked list or export them. Current export options include EndNote, plain text file, RIS, and Excel. Additional format options will be available in the future.
2. Marked items are noted with a purple and white star icon. Access your marked list from the top navigation bar as highlighted in red in the image below.
NOTE: In order to save your marked list for future sessions, you will need to create and sign into an account (see below).
3. Your name will display on the top right side of the page when you are signed into your account. Click on your name and select the log out option to sign out of your account.