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SW 2000 - Exploration in Social and Economic Justice

From Event To Structure To Action

Sources for information on specific events in a place:

  • News stories (newspapers, magazines, blogs)
  • Eyewitness accounts (news sources plus interviews - yours or others' - social media posts)
  • Institutional accounts (internal newsletters, publications, mass emails sent, official social media accounts) or institutional footprints (court records, property transaction records...)

Sources of information about "broader structural issues" - causes as well as remedies/contributions toward just solutions

  • The more in-depth news stories
  • Evidence in news stories of institutional involvement
  • Publications by study or advocacy groups related to constituencies or individuals involved
  • Cultural media that shape perceptions of and assumptions about individuals/groups
  • Laws (federal, state, local)
  • Law Review articles written by law students and/or faculty
  • Testimony in federal, state, local legislative bodies (Congress, State House, City Council, School Board, Faculty Council, Curators meetings)

Information on actions taken/attempted, evaluations of effectiveness

  • Governance organizations such as National League of Cities
  • Policy-focused organizations (these have components of study, analysis, and advocacy)
  • Peer-reviewed articles
  • Books by people involved in the study, advocacy, and implementation of policy

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