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Draft of Finding Book and Film Reviews


How to find book reviews in Discover@MU and other Ebsco databases

Finding book reviews in EBSCO based databases such as, Academic Search Primer and Discover@MU can seem daunting at first; however there is a way to filter results to make it much easier.

  1. Enter the title of the book and click Search. Use quotation marks to search a phrase, e.g. "black panther"
  2. Check off Reviews in the left column of the search results page. *If you don't see this check box, click the Show More options in the Filter by Format category.
  3. Also check off Academic (Peer Reviewed) Journals if you only want reviews from scholarly publications.

Discover@ MU                                    Academic Search Primer

Additional resources for finding book reviews


Google Scholar

Book Reviews can be found using google scholar. Try using the term book review in your search.

Google Scholar Search