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Parks, Recreation, Sport & Tourism 3210W: Personnel Management & Leadership


Google Scholar Search

Finding the Full Text of Articles

Some databases have direct links to articles or downloadable PDFs. However, for many databases, you will need to look for the FindIt@MU button to connect to our catalog.


You will then have a few options:

  1. If we have online access, search for the icon to view the full-text or PDF.
  2. If it is in print at a library on campus, you can borrow it from the library.
  3. If it is not online, you can request the article via Interlibrary Loan.
    1. If a UM library has a print copy of the article in a bound journal, you can still request a scan of the article via Interlibrary loan. This is faster than requesting the book from another campus. 

Interlibrary Loan is a free service. Typically, you will receive your article online via your MU e-mail account within 1-2 business days.  As long as you plan ahead and don't wait until the last minute, you should get your article in plenty of time for your research project!