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Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: ASME Citation Guide

Tips, techniques & links to help you find answers for your research papers & projects

ASME Citation Style Guide Summary

A. Citing within the text

The citation is a short code (within the body of the document) that identifies an idea or fact that the writer has borrowed from elsewhere. The list of references provides a complete and detailed list (at the end of the document) of all the sources the writer used. Consider citations as equations in words; be precise - it reflects your attention to detail. ASME style characteristics:

  • Within the text, references should be cited in numerical order according to their order of appearance.
  • The numbered reference citation should be enclosed in brackets [1] rather than as superscripts1 or in bracketed () form.
    • For example: It was shown by Platten [1] that there is no universal technique that works for measuring the Soret coefficient in any binary mixture. You must name all authors. Use n.d. if no dates are available.

B. Reference List

At the end of your paper:

  • List the references in the order they were cited (numerical order).
  • The references should provide enough information for your reader to find the source.
  • Below are formats and examples for common types of sources.
  • If no date is available, use n.d. (“no date”).  Be consistent with any abbreviations - all or none.

Characteristics of ASME style:

  • References are arranged by the order of citation, not by alphabetical order;
  • The bracketed number should be on the line, and the lines of each entry indented;
  • Name all authors and use only initials for first names, and use the spelled-out word "and" before the last name of multiple authors;
  • Every (important) word of all titles is capitalized;
  • Book and conference titles (as opposed to conference paper titles) are in italics;
  • Journal and conference paper titles are in “quotes”;
  • Journal volume numbers are in bold and do not use the abbreviation “Vol.”;
  • To indicate a page range, use pp. but only p. for one page;
  • If items are online, add the statement, “from url” (without quotes).

ASME Style Guide for DOI

Büyüksarı, Ü. and As, N., 2013, “Non-destructive evaluation of beech and oak wood bent at different radii,” Composites Part B: Engineering. 10.1016/j.compositesb.2012.12.006.


Anonymous work

[Citation number] If there are no authors, corporate author, editor, compiler, or translator, omit the author spot. Begin the entry with Title of the Book, year,  Publisher, Location.



[1] Collaborative Writing in Industry:  Investigations in Theory and Practice, 1991,
Baywood Publishing Co.,  Amityville, NY.

Book with one author or a chapter in a book

[Citation number]  Author’s Name, year, Title of Book, Publisher, Location. [For chapters in a book, add chapter number (if any) at the end of the citation following the abbreviation, “Chap.”]



[1] Saxby, G., 1996, Practical Holography, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New York, NY, Chap. 6.

Book with two or more authors

[Citation number] For each author, surname followed by initials. List the authors in the order given in the source. Note that commas go between each name, and also that "and" comes before the last name in the list.



[1] Watt, J. H. and van der Berg, S. A., 1995, Research Methods for
Communication Science, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA.

Edited or translated book

To the standard author entry, simply insert the names of the editor or translator between title and publication information, separated by a comma. Note that, as with authors, you use the editor's/translator's initials, followed by the full surname, omitting professional titles but including personal titles such as "Jr." or "III". Immediately after, identify that person's role by using either Ed./Eds. (editor/multiple editors) or Trans. (covers both single and multiple translators), followed by a comma.



[1] Sarunyagate, D., Ed., 1996, Lasers, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Journal article

[Citation Number]  Author(s), year, "Article Title," Journal Title, vol. no. (issue no.), pp.


[1] Dahl, G. and Suttrop, F., 1998, “Engine Control and Low-NOx Combustion for
Hydrogen Fuelled Aircraft Gas Turbines,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 23(8), pp.

Web Page

[citation number] Author(s), year, “Title of Web Page.” Report Number (if applicable), from url.


[1] McBride, B.J. and Gordon, S., 1996, “Computer Program for Calculation of   
Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications – II. Users
Manual and Program Description,” NASA Ref Publ. No. 1311, from
[1] Danish Wind Energy Association, n.d., from

Conference Proceedings

[Citation number]  Author(s), year, “Article Title,” Conference Proceedings, vol. (if given), year, pp.



[1] Welch, G.E., 2000, “Overview of Wave-Rotor Technology for Gas Turbine Engine Topping Cycles,” Novel Aero Propulsion Systems International Symposium, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, pp.2-17.

Technical Report

[1] Author(s), year, “Report Title,” Report Number (if any) Publisher, Location.



[1] Leverant, G.R., 2000, “Turbine Rotor Material Design – Final Report,” DOT/FAA/AR-00/64, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.


[Citation number]  Author,  year, “Thesis/Dissertation Title,” Ph.D. thesis OR M.S. thesis, Department, University.



[1] Chan, D.C., 1996, ”Effects of Rotation on Turbulent Convection: Direct
Numerical Simulation Using Parallel Processors,” Ph.D. thesis,
University of Southern California.


[Citation number] Inventor(s), year, Patent Name/Title.” Country where patent is registered, Patent number.
For standards: Standard Issuing Body, year, “Standard Name,” Number. 



[1] Seippel, C., 1949, “Gas Turbine Installation,” U.S. Patent 2461186. [1] IEEE, 1992, “Scalable Coherent Interface,” IEEE Std. 1596-1992.

Personal communications

[Citation number] Author, year, Position, Affiliation, private communication.



1]  Jackson, A., 2004, Consultant at Cranfield University, U.K., private


The ASME Citation Style is derived from Donald W. Craik Engineering Library, S. N. Godavari