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Government Documents by Type: Federal

Government Information

Reference Service

Reference service is available
Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Government Documents Department
106B Ellis Library (1st Floor East)
University of Missouri

Marie Concannon (573) 882-0748

Guides to Using Government Information

Agency Seals

Presidential Seal

House of Representatives Seal

Senate Seal

Department of Agriculture Seal

Department of Defense Seal

Department of Commerce Seal

Department of Justice Seal

Department of the Treasury Seal

Department of Energy Seal


Documents by Type - Federal

There are many types of government information. From agency reports to appropriations, census data to Supreme Court decisions, it comes in many formats and covers almost every topic. This list is arranged alphabetically by document type.  For more information on federal, state or local government information, use links in the left navigation bar.

Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri This icon indicates the resource is restricted to students, faculty, and staff at the University of Missouri.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - W


Analysis of government programs 1923-current (incomplete) ..... General Accountabilty Office (GAO) reports
1973-current .......................... Print and fiche GAO reports are filed under the GA 1.13 call number.
1989-2008 ............................. GAO Reports at
Aerial photographs 1920s-current ........................ Where to find Aerial Photographs
Agencies, guide to 1935-current ...................... U.S. Government Manual
Current .................................. A-Z Index of Departments and Agencies
Agency reports 1976-current ......................... Catalog of Government Publications
1895-2005 ............................. Find print set of Monthly Catalog of Government Publications (title varies) on Documents Reference shelf under call number Z 1223 .A18.
1789-1909 ............................. Checklist of United States Public Documents 1789-1909 or see online version in Internet Archive
Appropriations, budget estimates, etc. 1995-2004 ............................. 
Appropriations, House Committee on 1953-current .........................
Appropriations, Senate Committee on 1998-current .........................
Appropriations, status of 1983-current ......................... CQ Weekly Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri Link leads to a list of articles about appropriations bills, arranged by year
Attorneys General (U.S.) - Opinions 1791-1982 ............................. Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri



Bills, congressional

(See also guide to bill versions)

Coverage dates.......................... has full text of bills and legislative action.

The MU Law Library has House and Senate bills on microfiche for the 96th-106th congresses.  Ask Law Library staff for assistance.

1933-1988................................. The University of Arizona has a complete set of this time period. This set is microform - request through interlibrary loan. For interlibrary loan purposes the official title is Congressional bills, resolutions, and laws.

1801-1829, 1861-1899...........

House and Senate Bills and Resolutions on microfilm in MU Law Library. Filmed by the Library of Congress.
1789-1933................................ Center for Research Libraries (microform - request through ILL)
1789-1921................................. The University of Washington has an incomplete set on microform - request through interlibrary loan. For ILL purposes the official title is Congressional bills, resolutions, and laws.
Varies.......................................... Law Librarians' Society of Washington DC
  1799-1873................................... Library of Congress
Bills, summary and status Coverage dates....................... shows legislative action on bills.
Bills, history of 1983-current.............................. History of Bills
The History of Bills lists legislative actions on bills that were reported in the Congressional Record. In print it is part of the Congressional Record Index, but on GovInfo it is a separate collection.
1929-2015................................ ProQuest Legislative Insight Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Bills, status 1983-current............................... CQ Weekly Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Biographical directory 1774-present............................... Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress
Budget of the U.S. Government 1996-current.................................
1921-current................................. Federal Reserve Archive


Campaign contributions from individuals and PACs 1997-current................................... 
Current........................................... Influence Explorer
1988, 1994..................................... See "Open Secrets" books by Larry Makinson in 2 East, Ellis Library
Campaign finance reports 2007-current................................... Federal Election Commission
Census data 1790-current.................................. MU Libraries Census Guide
Circuit Court Decisions 1938-current................................... Find Law
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1938-current................................ Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Current (unofficial)......................... Electronic CFR
Code, U.S. 1994-current...................................
1925-current................................... Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Committee membership Current...........................................
1947 to 1992.................................. Committees in the U.S. Congress, 1947-1992 (print)
Committees, legislation assigned to Current..........................................
Committee prints, congressional 1955-current (incomplete) ...........
1789-current.................................. Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Committee reports, Congressional 1821-current..................................
1970-current.................................. Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Conference reports 2006-current.................................. Federal Digital System
Congressional publications Varies.............................................. Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri

Congressional Record


1789-current................................ Sources for the Congressional Record
1897-current................................. Congressional Record (bound) 1873-2016; Congressional Record (Daily) 1994 to present; Congressional Record Index (Daily) 1983 to present


Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1873-current................................... MU LAW LIBRARY FEDERAL X 1.1/A:
Congressional Record, Daily Digest 1989-current...................................
Congressional Research Service Reports 1916-current................................... Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Various........................................... Archive-It (list of links to various sources)
Various............................................ Law Librarian's Society of Washington D. C.
Congressional Session Dates 1789-current................................. Session Dates
Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR) 1983-2010...................................... Consolidated Federal Funds Report
Court opinions, Supreme Court 1760-current................................... Find Law
Varies............................................. Supreme Court
Court records (appellate, district and bankruptcy courts) Varies.............................................

Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) (fee-based)



Debate, congressional
     SEE Congressional Record
Debates, presidential candidates 1960, 1976-current.................... American Presidency Project
Debt, public 1869-current............................. Treasury Direct 
Declassified documents Any dates Declassified Documents Guide
Directory, Congressional 1816-1887................................. Print copies held by library
1888-current............................. Print copies held by library
All dates.................................... Biographical Directory of the United States Congress on
Current..................................... Provides address look-up to show your current congress persons
Documents, House and Senate 1975-current...............................
House and Senate Documents are also printed in the Serial Set.


Economic Indicators 1995-current ...................
Economic Report of the President 1995-current ...................
1947-current ................... FRASER (Federal Reserve)
Elected officials
Elected officials 1956-2014 ...................... America Votes
Election returns, presidential    
1789-2008 ...................... National Archives
1789-2012 ...................... (printable maps)
1956-2014 ...................... America Votes
Executive orders, presidential 1936-current ................... Code of Federal Regulations, Title 3 (print)
1996-current ................... Code of Federal Regulations, Title 3 (online)
1826-current ................... American Presidency Project
current ............................ Executive Orders

F - G

   F           (return to top)
Federal Register Federal 1936-current ..............
1936-current .............. Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Federalist Papers Federal 1787-1788 ................. Federalist Papers
Financial disclosures, congressional members Federal    
2008-current ............. Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives
Floor votes, congressional Federal Current .....................  
CQ Weekly Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Project Vote Smart
Foreign aid (loans, grants, etc.) Federal 1946-2010 ................ Greenbook USAID Foreign Assistance
Foreign Relations Federal   Foreign Relations LibGuide
Foreign policy Federal Current ..................... CQ Researcher Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1945-1976 ................ Foreign Relations of the United States
1870-1931 ................ Foreign Relations of the United States Print
     G     (return to top)
GAO Reports Federal 1989-2008 ................
Grants Federal current ...................... Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
2000-current ............. Grants and Opportunities

H - I - J

     H     (return to top)
Hearings, scheduled          current .............................
Hearings, Congressional 1824-1979 ....................... Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Up to 1923 ..................... Many historic hearings are now digitized and freely available in HathiTrust.  Tip: use the HathiTrust advanced search feature. Put "Committee" in the author field, "Hearing" in the title field, and limit further by date or words found in full text.
1985-current ................. Selected hearings are available in full text on GovInfo
House Documents (Y 1.1/7:) 1817-current .................

House and Senate Documents and Reports are compiled in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.


House Reports (Y 1.1/8:)
     I     (return to top)
Images and photos General .......................... U. S. Government Photos and Images
Science .......................... Science Images
NASA ............................. NASA Images
Inaugural Addresses, Presidential 1789-current .................. American Presidency Project
     J     (return to top)
Journals, House of Representatives 1992-current ...................

L - M

     L     (return to top)
Laws, General and Permanent 1926-current ................... Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1994-current ...................
current ............................. Cornell University Law School
Laws, Public and Private (slip) 1995-current ...................
Legislative histories 1969-current ................... Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1887-current ................... Proquest Legislative Insight Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Legislation, (in force) See Code, U.S.    
Legislation, states (by subject)   National Conference of State Legislatures
1960-2014 ...................... Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri Subject Compilations of State Laws
List of CFR Sections Affected 1986-current ...................
     M     (return to top)
Maps   Atlas of Historical County Boundaries 
  USGS Maps
  National Map
  Maps and Geographic Information LibGuide
Maps, topographic   Geological Sciences Library
Mobile Apps Directory
Municipal Officials, directory 1934-2014 ...................... Municipal Yearbook
Municipal Officials, salaries 1934-2014 ...................... Municipal Yearbook

N - O - P - R

     N     (return to top)
News, Congressional   Roll Call
Nominations and appointments, presidential current ............................ Nominations and Appointments
Nominations for Supreme Court 1789-current ...................
     O     (return to top)
Opinions of the US Circuit Courts 1995-current ................... FindLaw
Ordinances, municipal
     P     (return to top)
Party platforms 1840-2012 ...................... American Presidency Project
Patents   U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Fulltext
Patent Research Guide
Google Patents
Personal Finance Disclosures varies ..............................
1981-2010 ...................... Financial Disclosure Reports (House of Representatives)
Photographs, congressional 1997-current ................... Congressional Pictorial Directory
Plum Book (United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions) 1996-current ...................
Podcasts, RSS Feeds, Blogs varies .............................. Free Government Information (podcasts)
Free Government Information (Blogs)
Policy, statements of administrative 1985-current ................... American Presidency Project
Political party platforms 1840-2012 ...................... American Presidency Project
Presidential debates 1960-2016 ...................... American Presidency Project
Presidential documents 1993-current ...................
1965-current ................... Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Presidential papers 1790-current ................... American Presidency Project
Presidential press briefings 2009-current ................... Press Briefings
Presidential press conferences 1929-current ................... American Presidency Project
Presidential signing statements 1929-current ................... American Presidency Project
2001-current ................... Presidential Signing Statements
Presidents, information about 1789-current ................... Internet Public Library
Proclamations, Presidential 1789-current ................... American Presidency Project
current ............................ Presidential Proclamations
Procurement Data 1981-current ................... Federal Procurement Data System
Public Debt 1791-current ................... Public Debt Reports
Public Papers of the Presidents 1991-current ...................
Public/Slip laws 1989-current ................... Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
     R     (return to top)

Record, Congressional

(What's this? See Video)

1873-current ................... Congressional Record (bound) 1873 to 2001, 2003 to 2015; Congressional Record (Daily) 1994 to present; Congressional Record Index (Daily) 1983 to present

1789-current ...................

Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1989-current ...................
Regulations, (historical) 1996-current ................... Code of Federal Regulations
Title 3: 1936-current ....... Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1938-2001 ...................... MU LAW AE 2.106/3:
Regulations, (in force) current ............................ Code of Federal Regulations
2001-current ................... MU Law AE 2.106/3:
Regulations, (proposed)  1996-2010 ...................... Unified Agenda
 1994-2016 ...................... Federal Register
RSS Feeds   US Government RSS Library


     S     (return to top)
Senate Documents (Y 1.1/3:) 1817-present 

House and Senate Documents and Reports are compiled and reprinted in the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.   


Senate Executive Reports (Y 1.1/6:)
Senate Reports (Y 1.1/5:)

Serial Set, Congressional

Note: The American State Papers, 1789‑1838 was the predecessor set.

1817-present ..................

MERLIN (Print volumes, almost all stored offsite.) 

Note: Serial Set volumes from #14934-present are on shelving just outside the Docs office on the Ellis Library first floor, East.

1817-1969 ......................

Microfiche set available offsite.

1817-1980 ......................

Electronic FULL TEXT.
Readex US Congressional Serial Set Digital Collection Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Includes 15th Congress through the 96th Congress, 2nd session.
FULL TEXT for Serial Set volumes 1 - 13384.

Predecessor American State Papers is also available in FULL TEXT.

1975-present (Documents)



1810s-1990s ................... HathiTrust Collection.  This is a free online digital library that includes over 29,000 uploaded volumes.  The Serial Set collection has been sectioned off from the rest of the library so that it can be searched

(finding aid only) .............

You can get the Serial Set volume number using only the House Report, House Document, Senate Report or Senate Document number by checking United States Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes in Docs stacks under number GP 3.34.  This source is available for the 98th-105th congresses only (1983-1998.)
1981-present ..................

When print and electronic formats are unavailable and deadlines are tight, microfiche copies can substitute in a pinch.  Check microfiche cabinets located to the north of the Documents stacks.  Use the following system to find materials:

  • Senate Documents - Y 1.1/3: [congress-rept#]
  • Senate Treaty Documents- Y 1.1/4: [congress-rept#]
  • Senate Reports - Y 1.1/5: [congress-rept#]
  • Senate Executive Reports - Y 1.1/6: [congress-rept#]
  • House Documents - Y 1.1/7: [congress-rept#]
  • House Reports - Y 1.1/8: [congress-rept#]

We have fiche for all of these starting with the 97th Congress.

1833-1917 ...................... American Memory (Only a fraction of 1% is here - about 150 selections.  Those that do appear are in full text.)
Soil Surveys 1899-1901 Stored offsite - Dewey Decimal call number - 631.08 Un31b
1923-1966 MU ELLIS - Library of Congress call number - S 591 .A22
Varies Stored offsite - SuDoc call number - A 57.38
Speeches, congressional   See Congressional Record (above)
Speeches, presidential   Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
State government publications  1800s-ca. 1930 Uncatalogued collection in storage, ask in Gov Docs office
1700s?-1950 Center for Research Libraries has more than a half million volumes of deposited and purchased monographic and serial publications of the U. S. state governments from the earliest periods through 1950, including financial reports and research studies. Excluded content includes internal agency newsletters, agricultural station publications, maps, and state court reports. Most of the collection is not cataloged; to identify resources, try to find state publications checklists, or contact CRL Access Services.  CRL also maintains a collection of legislative journals through 1990.
State of the Union Address, Presidential 1790-current American Presidency Project
2013-2016 Statistical Abstract of the United States Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1878-2012 Statistical Abstract of the United States
  Historical Statistics of the US Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Statutes at Large (session laws) 1951-2012
1789-1875 Library of Congress
1789-current Proquest Congressional Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1789-2006 Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Subsidies, with National Priority Ratings (NPRs) 2000-current Subsidy Database
Supreme Court Cases 1789-current Oyez Project
Supreme Court Records and Briefs 1832-1978 US Supreme Court Records & Briefs Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
1999-2007 Find Law
Supreme Court Decisions 1937-1975 (Bulk download)
2003-2008 Find Law
Supreme Court Opinions 2007-current Supreme Court Slip Opinions
1790-current Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri
Supreme Court Rules 1803-current
Supreme Court Nomination Hearings 1971-current

T - U - V - W

     T     (return to top)
Tax forms and regulations 1980-current Internal Revenue Service
Technical reports   Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
Defense Technical Information Center
Energy Citations Database
National Transportation Library
National Library of Energy
NASA Technical Reports Server
Topographic Maps   Inventory of 7.5-minute topographic maps at the Geology Library
National Map - USGS Topo
Trademarks   Patent and Trademark Office
Travel by Members of Congress   Legistorm
Treaties 1950-1984 Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri 
Treaties, in force current US Department of State
1955-current Treaties in force (print)
Treaties with Indian Tribes All Hein Online Restricted to faculty, students, and staff at The University of Missouri choose U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library
1778-1883 Indian Affairs. Laws and Treaties (See Vol. 2 of printed set for Treaties)
Or see full text in Hathi Trust
1722-1869 Ratified Indian Treaties, Special Collections, microfilm
     W     (return to top)
Weekly Addresses, Presidential current Weekly Addresses