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Streaming Films & Videos

This guide provides information to students and faculty on how to find resources that contain videos and films available for streaming.

Films for Class Use

The libraries will do the best we can to provide resources to support your classes, yet cannot afford the costs for streaming film services.

The emerging model is for students to subscribe to a subscription service like Amazon Prime where they can find assigned films for free or can rent them. For Film Studies classes the Criterion Channel has a rich library of important U.S. and international films and is moderately priced.

Just Watch is the easiest way to locate films. The tabs on the left will direct you to other useful resources.

We will be happy to assist you with film sources for your classes by either purchasing a DVD copy to be housed in the libraries or to identify alternative access methods.  The libraries can also assist with licensing and access options should your department want to fund access to films on Kanopy or to documentary films.  Kanopy charges $150.00 rental per film for one year streaming. The cost of documentaries with streaming rights vary, but a cost of $500.00 is not unusual.

A word about Kanopy

The MU Libraries no longer subscribe to the Kanopy streaming service.
The Daniel Boone Regional Library does subscribe to the service and makes a limited number of films available.
Here is the list of films available for streaming.

Any resident of Boone County can apply online for a Daniel Boone Regional Library card
Utilizing your Daniel Boone card you can stream any of their videos online from home or campus.

Criterion Collection - - Top Recommendation

The Criterion Chanel offers access over a 1000 films in the Criterion Collection.

There is a 14 day free trail,  Subscriptions are $11.00 a month or $100.00 a year.

You can look for available titles by using the Search box at the top of this page.

Best way to locate streaming video