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MU Libraries Colors

MU Libraries Website Colors
Dark Gray:  #494D4F
MU Gold:  #FFBD29 RGB 255, 189, 41
Muddy black:  #231F20
Yellow gold:  #F1E299
Yellow:  #fff7ad
Tan:  #F6EFC0
Light Gray:  #e6e7e8
Muddy Gold:  #DAB827
Crimson:  #A50516
Active Links: Darker Blue: #001898
Mobile colors:
#e8a43d (lighter gold on Mizzou mobile site)

#f5b004 (darker gold on Mizzou mobile site)


SISLT Card Sort Study

Attached is the final report. I placed the revised findings, with library facilities, as part of the appendix.

Additionally attached is the excel chart used for creating the results and better quality photos of the optimal sort data.

Also a reminder that you have access to the data which could come in handy especially the similarity matrix: