Brief Guide to LibAnswers Revised: 7/23/14
Answer a Question:
Ticket Status
Assign/Transfer to another "User":
Specific Transfers:
These tips are primarily regarding the public knowledge base entries that are searchable from the website. Private answers sent in reply directly to patrons are not subject to these practices.
Please keep your answers as short as possible. Consider having two other librarians read your entry for clarity.
If you are at a branch, please check to see if your staff entry duplicates existing questions. If the information is duplicative (even though the question is not worded the same), and if you want the question to stay, you must include the branch name in the question so as not to confuse patrons. Rhonda and I will occasionally clean up questions posted to the knowledge base.
Remember: these are not hard and fast rules, these are general tips and suggestions. Your audience must be taken into account when implementing any best practices.
Writing for the Web (Making answers findable, formatting, etc.)
More Information
NOTE: Please contact Judy or Rhonda if you would like to add a topic. Otherwise, use keywords to add access points to your query.