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Education Graduate Students Library Guide: Home

Education Graduate Students

Education Databases


Link to the ERIC database

ERIC provides access to the educational and related literature available in periodicals published worldwide and in the ERIC documents microfiche collection. Coverage is 1966 to date.

Education Full Text

Link to the Education Full Text database

Education Full Text provides full-text for over 133 periodicals since 1994 together with indexing and abstracting of records going back to 1983 for the 478 periodicals covered in the Education Index. For Education Full Text, or for any other database linked through EBSCO, you can sign up to receive email alerts. Click here to learn more.

Other Databases

You can easily find any database that we have access to at MU. Head to the Databases page of the Library website. Type in the name of the database you wish to access in the search box, and select your database from the results. You can also use the Browse Databases link if you are not sure of what to look for. 

Searching Techniques for Discover and the Library Catalog

Description: This section will explain search techniques with AND and OR operators, truncation, and string searching and then show how to search using Discover@MU and Library Catalog searching. 

Link to the Library Catalog and Discover@MU


  • Searching Basics Learn about the basics of Boolean Operators and truncation symbols as well as how you may structure keyword searches for the best results in the Library Catalog

  • Narrow a Search Learn how to narrow a search down using the "AND" operator

  • Broaden a Search Learn how to make a search more broad by using the "OR" operator

  • Discover@MU Tutorial A written and video tutorial on searching with Discover@MU, filtering results, and saving them for later

  • MERLIN Overview A video guide that walks you through our catalog, how to access it, and what it can do for you


  • MERLIN FAQ Page Read up on creating lists, requesting books, and renewing information

My Library Account and Creating Lists in the Library Catalog

Description: Keeping up-to-date with resources in education is easy when using MERLIN. This section covers how to access your library account and save items in lists with MERLIN.


  • My Library Account A written and video tutorial on how to access your library account, create lists, and add items from the catalog that you can access later


  • Borrowing Guide A written guide that covers borrowing and requesting items from MERLIN

Requesting an Item in MOBIUS

Description: Searching in MOBIUS means searching for an item located in any of the research libraries in Missouri. This section covers how to request an item and what to do if the item you request is not available. 

Link to the MOBIUS Catalog


  • Request Books from MOBIUS A written and video tutorial on how to conduct a search in MOBIUS, request an item, and send it to your pickup location

Using Interlibrary Loan

Description: If an item is not available in the UM LIBRARIES CATALOG or MOBIUS, you can request it using ILL@MU. We cover ILL from the homepage and through the FindIt@MU tool.

Link to the ILL request form and the WorldCat Catalog


  •  ILL Overview A written and video tutorial that walks you through how to fill out the ILL form to request your item and when to expect it  

  •  ILL Through WorldCat A written and video guide on how to find and request books from the WorldCat database


  •  ILL@MU A full guide on ILL, what can be requested, and contact information 

  • FindIt@MU A written and video tutorial that discusses how to use FindIt@MU for items 

Research and Guides

 List of Education Guides

 Subject Guide for Education Students

 Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
The ICPSR provides readily accessible datasets representing research across the spectrum of social science related issues.

 Social Science Statistics Center (SSSC)
MU's Social Science Statistics Center provides statistical consulting and expertise to persons from other departments throughout the MU campus as well as support for statistics software.