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Exposition & Argument: Finding Articles

English 1000 guide for Dr. Marc McKee's Exposition & Argument class

Finding Articles

Once you've narrowed down a particular aspect of a social issue to write about, your best source for information is going to be articles from journals. Journal articles can cover very specific topics. Keep in mind that we have manyof online journals so try to be specific in your search. For example a search for "health care" in these databases will yield tens of thousands of articles.

Quick Search Tip

Most databases allow you to use truncation (*), which allows you to search a word stem and all of its various endings.

For example, countr* would search for all results containing the words country or countries. Tour* would retrieve tour, tours, tourism, tourist, etc.

Finding Journal Articles

Linking from Databases to Full-text

The databases listed above will lead you to scholarly articles. If you do not find the html or pdf full-text of the article in the database, just click Find it @ MUnext to the article citation.  The article will display if available electronically.  If there is no online access, you'll be given the opportunity to look for a print copy in the Library Catalog. If the article is not available online or in print, you can request the article via Interlibrary Loan.