Presents market share data on over 4,000 companies and 2,500 products, facilities, and brands.
REF HF5401 .M34 Ready Reference (Ask at the Reference Desk.)
Mintel provides market research reports for the U.S., U.K., and Western Europe. The first time you use it, you must create a profile using your MU email address. In the search box, type your company's name and market share (in quotation marks), e.g. Nike and "market share" or "Coca Cola" and "market share."
Reports discuss market drivers, market size & trends, market segmentation, supply structure, advertising and promotion, retail distribution, consumer characteristics, and market forecasts. Also included are management and company reports for companies mentioned in the reports. Free account can be created for personalization. Date Coverage: 2001-date Maximum Users: Unlimited Truncation: Automatic
Industry Surveys on S&P's NetAdvantage may have a table with market share data. Search your company's name under "Database Search" (on the right) and select the PDF version of the Industry Survey.