U.S. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.Financing for Public Broadcasting, 1972 Hearings 1-3 Feb. 1972. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1972. (Y4.In8/4:92-62).
Department of Defense. Bureau of National Guard. Join Local Radio Station: Army Guard Communications. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1973. ( D 12.2:R 11).
U.S. Senate. Committee on Commerce. Fairness DoctrineHearings Apr. 28-30, May 1, 6, 1975. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975. (Y 4. C 73/2:94-33).
U.S. Information Agency. Office of Research. Communist International Radio Broadcasting. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975. (IA 1.24/3:R-18-76).
U.S. House. Sports Broadcasting Act of 1975. Hearings Sept. 22, Oct. 29-31, 1975. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975. (Y4. In 8/4:94-47).
U.S. National Endowment for the Arts. Research Division. Arts and Cultural Progs on Radio and Television. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1977. (NF 2.12:4).
Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Radio and Television Programs. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1977. (LC 3.4/2:47 e/2).
U.S. Department of Defense. Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. Join Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1978. (D 14.12:87/2).
United States Department of Commerce. Office of Telecommunications. Radio Propagation in Urban Areas. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1978. (C 1.60/3:78-144).
U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. World Administration Radio Conference. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979. (Special Report no.57). (S1.129:57).
United States Department of Transportation. Office of Transportation Programs Bureau. A Study of Terrestrial Radio Determination: Applications and Technology. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1979. (TD 1.20/9:79-2).