Cited reference searching allows you to locate books and articles that cite a previously published resource. This process allows you to track the research that has been done since the original item was published.
Many resources provide information on cited references including the three listed below:
You can set up preferences in Google Scholar on personal computing devices so that the Find It links for your university always display in your Google Scholar search results.
Web of Science indexes thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, conferences and more. Citation information and analysis with cited reference searching available. The collection includes Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present) and Index Chemicus (1993-present).
Search for chemistry and chemical engineering literature, patents, chemical substances and reactions. SciFinder also includes MethodsNow (synthetic protocols), a predictive retrosynthesis planner, PatentPak patent mapping tool, and NMR spectra content. (1907 - date, with selected coverage back to 1878).
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