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University of Missouri copyright resources
University of Missouri intellectual property information
Search for publisher copyright policies with Open Policy Finder (formerly Sherpa Romeo)
Ways to keep your copyright:
SPARC author addendum (how to use)
Open Access resources:
An institutional repository, like MOspace, is one of the best ways to disseminate and preserve your work. As an open access tool, MOspace enhances collaboration efforts and ensures that current and future generations of scholars benefit by finding your work. MOspace may also be a viable part of a data curation plan, as required by several funding agencies.
MOspace is:
MOspace also provides you with a persistent (i.e. permanent) URL so you can cite it in perpetuity, with no worries about access.
Authors retain copyright to any item deposited in MOspace; the required license for deposit into MOspace acknowledges your rights as the copyright owner. If your work has already been published, MOspace staff will check the publisher's policies for deposit into MOspace for you.