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University Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest: Past Winners

Past Winners

See a list of past winners and their works in MOspace

2024 Winners

First Place: Rosie Johnson and Cailey Southard

Explorative Materials & Sustainable Fashion in the Fashion Industry

Second Place: Nina Schmolzi

A Symphony of Suffering : Exploring Masochistic Love in Lady Mary Wroth’s ‘Urania’


2023 Winners

First Place: Jared Rubenstein

Nazi Propaganda in American Universities from 1933 to 1938

Second Place: Sasha Goodnow

Missouri Statewide Lake Assessment Program


2022 Winners

First Place: Kathryn Colvin

Hamlet and his Solution : "How All Occasions" as Objective Correlative on Page and Screen

Second Place: Zoe Korte

Love Laws : Trauma and Transgression in Morrison and Roy


2020 Winners

First Place: Abbey West

Saratoga Spells British Defeat

Second Place: Devon Terry

Arno Breker’s Wounded Man : Capturing the Essence of Totalitarianism


2019 Winners

L-R: Vice Provost of University Libraries Ann Campion Riley, Ashley Anstaett, Phong H. Nguyen, & Librarian Rachel Brekhus (holding the certificate for Andrew J. Greenwald, who could not attend).

L-R: Ann Campion Riley, Erielle Jones, & Rachel Brekhus