Historians will point out that news sources are not really primary sources since they are not accounts by the historical actors involved. However, they do constitute at least contemporary writing/speaking about the incident that contain good information about the impression available to contemporaries about an event.
Provides access to newspapers, journals, magazines, television and radio transcripts, photos, etc. from nearly every country worldwide in 28 languages. It also contains business and financial data on companies from around the world. Note: Off-campus users must use the VPN for access.
Also includes continuously updated newswires.
Date Coverage: Varies
Maximum Users: Unlimited
Truncation:Truncation: *; Wildcard: ?
License terms restrict access to MU students, faculty, and staff only.
User's Guide: http://proquest.libguides.com/factiva
Historians will point out that news sources are not really primary sources since they are not accounts by the historical actors involved. However, they do constitute at least contemporary writing/speaking about the incident that contain good information about the impression available to contemporaries about an event.
Date Coverage: 1790-1919
Maximum Users: Unlimited
Truncation: *; Wildcard: ?
Help: http://c19index.chadwyck.com/help/contents.jsp
We have access to a large collection of ethnic newspapers through the Center for Research Libraries. These must be requested through ILL@MU and will come on microfilm, which must be read with a machine. Unfortunately these are not indexed well, but they may give you a flavor of an ethnic community in a specific place.
Online ethnic newspapers, blogs, and other media may be best found through a Google search.