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The following style is commonly used for fisheries and wildlife publications. However, always check for an instructor's or journal's preferred citation style.
In-text citations:
Bogue, M. B. 2000. Fishing the Great Lakes: an environmental history, 1783-1933. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
Strauss, A., and J. Corbin. 1990. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California.
Lofgren, B. M. 2002. Global warming influences on water levels, ice, and chemical and biological cycles in lakes: some examples. Pages 15-22 in N. A. McGinn, editor. Fisheries in a changing climate. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 32, Bethesda, Maryland.
Kennedy, V. S. 1990. Anticipated effects of climate change on estuarine and coastal fisheries. Fisheries 15(6):16–24.
Bélisle, M., and A. Desrochers. 2002. Gap-crossing decisions by forest birds: an empirical basis for parameterizing spatially-explicit, individual-based models. Landscape Ecology 17:219-231.
Need more examples?
Look through a journal that uses the style you need, such as Fisheries: The Monthly Magazine of the American Fisheries Society or the Journal of Wildlife Management. Always compare the examples to the official style guide!