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MSA: Media and Culture: Home

A starting point for the Missouri Scholars Academy class "Through Whose Eyes Do You See: How the Media Impacts Our Views of Different Cultures"

Research Assignment

You've been asked to research the stereotypes related to a specific group of people; and how these stereotypes have been communicated over various types of media. In the end, you will talk about how this portrayal has impacted our views.



Currency : The timeliness of the information.

• Check the date of publication.
• Look for updated or revised information.

Relevance: Determine if the information relates to your topic.

• Check the title.
• Read the summary/abstract.

Authority: The source of the information.

• Check the author/publisher/sponsor.
• Do a brief search on the author to determine if they are qualified to write on the topic.
• Check the domain to determine the origin of the site (ex: .gov, .edu, .com, etc.)

Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of information.

Is the information supported by evidence? Check for citations and bibliography.
• Determine if the publication is peer-reviewed.
• Look for spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors.

Purpose: The reason the information exists.

• Why was the information written: to inform, teach, sell, entertain, or persuade?
• Determine if the information is fact, opinion, or propaganda.
• Check for political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases.
• Determine the intended audience.


To gain a better understanding of what kinds of resources are in libraries and how to approach research, check out these 2 short videos from NCSU Library!

From Idea to Library

Where do research articles come from? How do they end up in your search results? This video has the answers.

One Perfect Source?

Your topic seemed so great! So why can't you find any information on it? If you're looking for an all-in-one source that addresses your topic perfectly, you might need a different approach.

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Joe Askins
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