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HIST 2950: European Migration in the 19th-20th Centuries

Starting Points: Legislative Acts on Immigration to the US

  • Immigration Act of 1864
  • Immigration Act of 1917
  • Immigration Act of 1924
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
  • Immigration Technical Corrections Act of 1988
  • Immigration Amendment of 1988
  • Immigration Act of 1990

  • Naturalization Act of 1790
  • Nationality Act of 1940 
  • Displaced Persons Act of 1948
  • Refugee Relief Act of 1953
  • Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962
  • Refugee Act of 1980


  • Migrant Health Act of 1962
  • Migrant and Community Health Centers Amendment of 1978
  • Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Protection Act
  • Immigration Nursing Relief Act of 1989
  • Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendment of 1986

Names of important acts taken from the "Laws and Regulations" chapter of this book.  Other sections may also be of interest.

Dillingham Commission - List of Reports

The Immigration (Dillingham) Commission Reports

volume 1; Abstracts of reports of the Immigration Commission (in two volumes: vol. I), with conclusions and recommendations, and views of minority [Serial Set no. 5865, Senate document 747/1, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 2; Abstracts of reports of the Immigration Commission (in two volumes: vol. II) [Serial Set no. 5866, Senate document 747/3, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
p. 253-290: Immigrants in charity hospitals [Serial set no. 5866, Senate document 747/5, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 3; Statistical review of immigration, 1819-1910 - Distribution of immigrants 1850-1900 [Serial Set no. 5878, Senate document 756/1, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 4; Emigration conditions in Europe: General survey; Italy; Russia; Austria-Hungary; Greece [Serial set no. 5870 Senate document 748, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 5; Dictionary of races or peoples [Serial set no. 5867, Senate document 662, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 6; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 1, Bituminous coal mining, vol. 1. [Serial set no. 5667, Senate document 633/1, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 7; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 1, Bituminous coal mining vol. 2. [Serial set no. 5668, Senate document 633/2, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 8; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 2, Iron and steel manufacturing, vol. 1. [Serial set no. 5669, Senate document 633/3, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 9; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 2, Iron and steel manufacturing, vol. 2. [Serial set no. 5670, Senate document 633/4, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 10; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 3, Cotton goods manufacturing in the north Atlantic States [Serial set no. 5671, Senate document 633/5, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 4, p. 635, Woolen and worsted goods manufacturing [Serial set no. 5671, Senate document 633/6, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 11; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 5, Silk goods manufacturing and dyeing [Serial set no. 5672, Senate document 633/7, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 6, p. 253, Clothing manufacturing [Serial set no. 5672, Senate document 633/8, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 7, p. 663, Collar, cuff, and shirt manufacturing [Serial set no. 5672, Senate document 633/9, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 12; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 8, Leather manufacturing [Serial set no. 5673, Senate document 633/10, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 9, p. 203, Boot and shoe manufacturing [Serial set no. 5673, Senate document 633/11, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 10, p. 773, Glove manufacturing [Serial set no. 5673, Senate document 633/12, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 13; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 11, Slaughtering and meat packing [Serial set no. 5674, Senate document 633/13, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 14; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 12, Glass manufacturing [Serial set no. 5675, Senate document 633/14, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 13, p. 395, Agricultural implement and vehicle manufacturing [Serial set no. 5675, Senate document 633/15, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 15; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 14, Cigar and tobacco manufacturing [Serial set no. 5676, Senate document 633/16, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 15, p. 463, Furniture manufacturing [Serial set no. 5676, Senate document 633/17, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 16, p. 605, Sugar refining [Serial set no. 5676, Senate document 633/18, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 16; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 17, Copper mining and smelting [Serial set no. 5677, Senate document 633/19, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 18, p. 195, Iron ore mining [Serial set no. 5677, Senate document 633/20, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 19, p. 585, Anthracite coal mining [Serial set no. 5677, Senate document 633/21, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 20, p. 741, Oil refining [Serial set no. 5677, Senate document 633/22, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 17; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 21, Diversified industries, vol. 1. [Serial set no. 5678, Senate document 633/23, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 18; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 21, Diversified industries, vol. 2. [Serial set no. 5679, Senate document 633/24, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 22, The floating immigrant labor supply [Serial set no. 5679, Senate document 633/25, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 19; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 23, Summary report on immigrants in manufacturing and mining, vol. 1. [Serial set no. 5680, Senate document 633/26, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 20; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 23, Summary report on immigrants in manufacturing and mining, vol. 2. [Serial set no. 5681, Senate document 633/27, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 21; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 24, Recent immigrants in agriculture, vol. 1. [Serial set no. 5682, Senate document 633/28, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 22; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 24, Recent immigrants in agriculture, vol. 2. [Serial set no. 5683, Senate document 633/29, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 23; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 25, Japanese and other immigrant races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States, vol. 1. - Japanese and East Indians [Serial set no. 5684-1, Senate document 633/30, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 24; Immigrants in Industries: pt. 25, Japanese and other immigrant races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States, vol. 2. - Agriculture [Serial set no. 5684-2, Senate document 633/31, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 25; pt. 25, Japanese and other immigrant races in Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States, vol. 3. - Diversified industries [Serial set no. 5684-3, Senate document 633/31, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 26; Immigrants in cities, study of selected districts in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Milwaukee, with statistics and tables, vol. 1. [Serial set 5665, Senate document 338, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 27; Immigrants in cities, study of selected districts in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Milwaukee, with statistics and tables, vol. 2. [Serial set 5666, Senate document 338, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 28; pt. 1: Occupations of first and second generations of immigrants in U.S. [Serial set no. 5664, Senate document 282/1, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]
pt. 2: Fecundity of immigrant women, p. 731 [Serial set no. 5664, Senate document 282/2, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910

volume 29; Children of immigrants in schools, vol. 1. [Serial set 5871, Senate document 749, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 30; Children of immigrants in schools, vol. 2. General tables - Baltimore, Bay City, Boston, Buffalo, Cedar Rapids, Chelsea, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Cleveland. [Serial set 5872, Senate document 749, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 31; Children of immigrants in schools,vol. 3. General tables - Detroit, Duluth, Fall River, Haverhill, Johnstown, Kansas City, Missouri, Los Angeles, Lowell, Lynn, Manchester, and Meridian. [Serial set 5873, Senate document 749, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 32; Children of immigrants in schools,vol. 4. General tables - Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Newark, New Bedford, New Britain, New Orleans, New York, and Philadelphia. [Serial set 5874, Senate document 749, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 33; Children of immigrants in schools, vol. 5. General tables - Pittsburgh, Providence, St. Louis, San Francisco, Scranton, Shenandoah, South Omaha, Worchester, Yonkers, and higher institutions, [Serial set 5875, Senate document 749, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 34; Immigrants as charity seekers, vol. 1; General summary, and data for cities of United States and Hawai [Serial set 5868, Senate document 665, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 35; Immigrants as charity seekers, vol. 2; General tables and summary [Serial set 5869, Senate document 665, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 36; Immigration and crime [Serial set no. 5876, Senate document 750, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 37; pt. 1: Steerage conditions [Serial set no. 5877, Senate document 753/1, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 2: Importation and harboring of women for immoral purposes, p. 53 [Serial set no. 5877, Senate document 753/2, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 3: Immigrant homes and aid societies, p. 125 [Serial set no. 5877, Senate document 753/3, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 4: Immigrant banks, p. 197 [Serial set no. 5877, Senate document 753/4, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 38; Changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants (final report) [Serial set no. 5663, Senate document 208, session 61-2, session-date: 1909, 1910]

volume 39: pt. 1: Federal immigration legislation [Serial set no. 5879, Senate document 758/1, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 2: Digest of immigration decisions, p. 149 [Serial set no. 5879, Senate document 758/2, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 3: Steerage legislation p. 339 [Serial set no. 5879, Senate document 758/3, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]
pt. 4: State immigration and alien laws, p. 505 [Serial set no. 5879, Senate document 758/4, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 40; Immigration situation in other countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil [Serial set no. 5880, Senate document 761, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]

volume 41; Statements and recommendations submitted by societies and organizations interested in immigration [Serial set no. 5881, Senate document 764, session 61-3, session-date: 1910, 1911]