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HIST 4972W - War and Society: Books

Finding Books

  • In Discover@MU (the blue box on the library homepage) you can limit search results to UM Books and use a multi-line search after you do an initial one-line search.
  • We will fetch your books, but if you find books yourself, you may find more books.
  • Expand book search to MOBIUS for more books that can be sent to you at MU.
  • You can only use ebooks if they have an MU online access link.
  • Always check the book's location, note its call number, and check that it is not checked out.

Multi-Line Searching in Discover@MU

Discover@MU Advanced Search

Line 1: "World War II" OR "Second World War"
Line 2: Colleges OR Universit* OR "G.I. Bill"
Line 3: -------

Examples of strings for Line 3:

  • housing OR dorm* OR resid*
  • race OR racial OR racis* OR Black OR "African American"
  • sources OR correspondence - change dropdown to the left of the box to SUBJECT

If you click on a book's title, you will usually see the book's table of contents.


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Rachel Brekhus
168 Ellis Library

(Mon and Fri only). I work from home by default Tuesdays and Thursdays, but come to campus for in-person classes and meetings as needed.

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