1. Company
2. Category/Industry
3. Consumer
4. Competition
Harold’s Doughnuts – The Company
Where would you find information about the company, its history, its owners, its mission, etc.?
Harold’s Doughnuts on Social media
Harold’s Doughnuts – The Category (Industry)
Where would you find information about the doughnut category?
Harold’s Doughnuts - The Consumer
Who eats donuts? When do they consume them? Where do they purchase them?
Harold’s Doughnuts - The Competition
Who are Harold’s Doughnuts competitors?
A situation analysis refers to a collection of methods used to analyze an organizations' internal and external environment to understand the organizations capabilities, customers, and business environment.
A situation analysis requires you to research the company, the category in which they do business, the consumer and the competition. Analyzing the situation helps to determine the health of a business, identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats (SWOT).
In the left column, identify questions to ask about the company, category, consumer and competition
In the right column, apply those questions to Harold's Doughnuts.