Citation analysis influences decisions about faculty hiring, retention, and promotion as well as departmental evaluations. Entire universities are now judged by how often their faculty are cited.
With so much at stake, users of citation analysis, also known as "bibliometrics," need to consider how citation statistics are compiled and how they differ between disciplines (and even within a discipline).Citation analysis has pitfalls and biases that may misrepresent the scholarly contributions of social scientists.
Database with abstracts and citations of research literature and quality web sources, including journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, abstracts, and patent records. A multidisciplinary resource covering materials from the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Also indexes EMBASE and allows you to locate the most highly cited items and the articles that cite them.
Searches across the following Web of Science databases: Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE, SciELO Citation Index and Zoological Record.
EBSCOhost is an interface that allows users to search over 40 databases across several disciplines at once. Includes full-text access to thousands of journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.
Provides access to scholarly journals in the arts and sciences. Contains a digital library of images, previously known as ARTStor, in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
Google Scholar indexes journal articles, books, book chapters and other non-traditional sources such as promotional pages, table of contents pages, course reading lists etc.
Eigenfactor and Journal Article Influence scores are released annually by the University of Washington's (free). The underlying data come from Journal Citation Reports.
A journal's Article Influence is a measure of the average influence of its articles over the first five years after publication. It is similar in interpretation to Journal Citation Report's Impact Factor.
A journal's Eigenfactor is a measure of the journal's overall importance to the research community. It considers not just direct citations to a journal's articles but rather the entire network of citations that are linked to that journal's articles.
Finding Citation Counts for Books and Book Chapters
A number of disciplines, especially in the Social Sciences and the Arts & Humanities publish their research in books and other types of publications. These disciplines are not that well served by traditional tools of citation analysis such as Web of Science and Scopus that primarily focus on journal literature. So how do you gauge the scholarly impact of your books and chapters in books? Listed below are a few strategies, while they are not perfect or comprehensive, they can help you collect some relevant data: