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ILL@MU: Video Tutorial

This video explains ILL@MU and how you can use it at the Libraries to borrow materials that are not available in our catalog or in the UM and Missouri library systems.
August 2022.

ILL@MU: Written Tutorial

1. To request a book, article, or dissertation through ILL (Interlibrary Loan), go to and click on "Request an item (ILL)."

Step 1

2. Log in to ILL@MU with your university username and password.

Step 2

3. To submit a request, choose the type of material you are requesting under the "New Request" list. If you found an item using Discover@MU or a MERLIN search, you will go directly to the ILL form, and some information will be filled out automatically.

Step 3

4. Make sure to fill out the required fields that are blank, including the author, title, and not-wanted-after date. The more information you include, the more likely it is the item you are looking for will be located. Click "Submit Request" at the bottom of the page after you have double-checked the information in the form is correct. You will receive an email to your university email account when the book is ready to be picked up.

Step 4

5. If you are requesting an article, the form will ask you to first check to make sure the MU Libraries do not own a copy of the article. Use the search box at the top of the page to check this information. If we do not own a copy, continue to fill out the required fields in the form, including the journal title, year of publication, page range for the article, and article title. Click "Submit Request" when you are finished. You will receive an email to your university email account when the article is ready to be viewed online.

Step 5

For questions about ILL, contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at 573-882-1101 or contact the librarians.