From the MU Libraries' Gateway , choose the Library Catalog .
Keyword Search :
Think of words and synonyms that describe the topic you are researching. Type keywords that describe your topic into the search box. You can use the asterisk as a truncation symbol. You can use quotation marks to search for phrases. Once you have a list of hits, select one that looks on-target, then examine the subject headings for that item. Try clicking on one of the subject headings for that book, to retrieve similar books. Subject heading searches generally pull up more relevant hits than a keyword search.
Try a Subject Search after doing keyword search. For a Subject Search, you need to use Library of Congress subject headings.
Suggested subject headings :
If you do not find enough books on your topic, change your search to "ALL MERLIN." By doing so you will be checking the library holdings at UMSL, UMKC, UMR, and MU all at once. Still not enough? Click on the MOBIUS Union Catalog button. This expands your search to about 70 additional libraries in our network. Most books you find through MERLIN or MOBIUS are requestable online, just click on the "Request Item" link. Books requested through MERLIN or MOBIUS take two to three working days to arrive.
The MLA style manual is shelved behind Ellis Library's Reference Desk on the south side of the first floor. We also have a link list to style manuals online .
Tim Eisenbarth
107 Tate Hall, MU English Department
Office Phone (573) 882-6421