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Google and Research

Use this guide to assist you in using Google for your academic research

Advanced Searching Techniques

  • Quotations around your search terms will give you an exact match for terms that might have multiple meanings. 

Ex: link vs "link" 

  • "OR" will put a relationship between the two terms and broadened your search. 

Ex: "hospitality" OR "hotel management" 

  • Find similar websites by inserting "related:" in front of the search term. 


  • Get basic info about a subject or a person by inserting "info:" in front of the search term. 

Ex: info:Stacey Abrams 

  • Find information between a certain numeric range by adding an ellipses between the numbers. 

Ex: "first woman to" 1900....1930 

Ex: "laptops" $500...$1000 

Ex: "dogs" 18 inches...30 inches 

  • "All In Title" will yield results that have all the keywords in the title of the article or title tag.

Ex: allintitle: federal lawsuit against 

  • "All In Text" will yield results that have all the keywords in the text of the article or material. 

Ex: allintext: nutrients in soil 

  • Adding "stocks" before a company will yield company profiles and stock information. 

Ex: stocks:patagonia 

Ex: stocks: Sprint 

  • Use Google to search for images, as well as drag and drop to reverse image search