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Economics/Peace Studies 2004W: Socioeconomic Perspectives on Science & Technology

Books on Companies and Industries

To check for books on a company, go to our homepage,, select the tab "Books & More," and switch "Keyword" to "Subject."  Enter the name of your company and search.

You can also try a subject search for terms such as shoes or shoe industry - results will not be individual books, but more specific subject headings. If you find books on your industry, make sure are using current books.

Databases for Industry Analysis

Industry Information from the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration
ITA's Manufacturing and Services Unit pulls together information on industries designed to help the U.S. exporter.  You'll find reports on the automotive industry, airlines, financial services, etc. 

First Research on ABI/Inform
These are industry intelligence reports on over 150 industries. 
Connect to ABI/Inform, select the "Browse" tab, First Research, and then your industry.

Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports on ABI/Inform
Industry reports from BMI have an international focus. 
Connect to ABI/Inform, select the "Browse" tab, BMI, and then your industry.