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English 1000: Monsters & Culture: Finding Articles

Multi-Discipinary Databases

Subject Specific Databases

Newspapers & News Sources (current & historical)

Topic & Background Sources

Finding the TEXT of an article

In any of our databases and sometimes on Google Scholar, if you do not see a PDF or HTML link to an article, you should see a Find it @ MU button.

When you click this button it will either automatically take you to the article or show you a screen that will tell you if we have this article and where to find it if we do.

If we don't have an article online or in print, you can order it via Interlibrary Loan.  In most cases you will receive your article online via your MU e-mail account within a few business hours.  There is no charge for this service.

Find a Specific Article

If you have an article citation use this link to find the full-text or print copy of article.

Is this article peer-reviewed?

Special Collections

Consider reaching out to our Special Collections and Rare Books department. They teach some monster-related lit courses: