Google Scholar (GS) includes content from journal publishers’ sites, article databases, book catalogs and other realms of the Invisible Web not covered by the Google search engine. You can set up the "Library Links" so that GS will search for full text availability here at the university via FindIt@MU. Go to Google Scholar & Findit@MU for instructions on how to integrate FindIt@MU into your Google Scholar.
Using Discover@MU, the search box you see in the middle of the page at, enter the title of the article needed in quotation marks, for example, "How Great Companies Think Differently". If you get too many hits, do your search again, adding the author and publication title:
"How Great Companies Think Different" Kanter "Harvard Business Review"
Using the quotation marks forces the computer to search for the phrase.
If you don't see a link to either HTML or PDF, click the FindIt@MU link to access the text.
On the Library's homepage, use the Looking for? - A Specific Article link to see if the library has either an online or print copy of the article you need.