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Collection Development: Ordering


July 1: The beginning of the campus fiscal year.

October 1: Deadline for selectors to inform Serials of serial changes for the upcoming fiscal year.

January 11: 50% Firm Order Deadline, by base fund

April 1: Deadline for selectors to have spent firm order funds (-1 and -5 funds).  No orders will be processed which have been received after this date.

How to order serials

All magazines, journals, and newspapers which are routinely published and continuing in publication until permanently ceased is considered a serial.  To order a new serial, please first contact Erin (print subscriptions) or Libby (online subscriptions) for pricing information.  Once you have decided you want to order a title, you will need to communicate the following information to Libby or Erin:

  • Format (online or print)
  • Subscription start date
  • Fund you wish to charge

We use two subscription vendors, EBSCO and Harrasowitz, to manage our serial subscriptions.  They do charge a small service charge (.5 - 3%) that will be added to the subscription price.  We also go direct to publishers for many subscriptions.

How to order books -- GOBI

GOBI is the YBP database used by the Libraries to order books (both print and electronic).  GOBI has many features available to help selectors with their books selections.  The website address is  If you need a login or have forgotten your information, please contact Corrie Hutchinson.

Once in GOBI, you can select books and send them to the Acquisitions unit without having to send a separate email or fill out a separate form.  You can also set up GOBI Alerts for faculty and yourself to receive notifications via email of books matching predetermined criteria.

How to order a database or indexes

If you wish to order an e-resource such as a database or online index, contact Corrie Hutchinson.  Many factors need to be considered before purchase:

  • Pricing
  • License
  • Platform
  • Audience
  • Funds charged
    • One-time vs. continuing expense

Corrie will work with the vendors to gather quotes, review pricing options, finalize the license, and launch the resource in conjunction with Rhonda Whithaus, Head of Online Information Services.  Rhonda is also responsible for setting up any trials of online resources.

All other orders

If what you want to order is not available in GOBI, a serial, or a database, you can contact the Acquisitions department directly with you purchasing instructions.  When ordering please have the following information:

  • Identification information:
    • Title
    • Format
    • ISBN, website link, score number, etc
  • Fund to be charged
  • When you need the item (i.e. is it a rush item?)