The budget is divided into categories for distribution: books, serials, tools, etc. Each category is then assigned a fund and a selector. Each fund name is an abbreviation of the subject or discipline it supports along with a number indicating the type of purchases supported by that fund. For example, biol3 is the fund for biological materials that are print serials. The numbers used in the fund codes are defined:
Ends with....
1 Books or DVD orders (firm order physical materials)
2 Books approvals (in any format)
3 Continuing orders (print or print + online)
4 Continuing monographic sets
5 eBooks (firm orders)
6 Gifts (physical materials firm ordered with gift money)
7 Online continuing orders
9 Online-only gifts (one-time purchases)
0 Online-only continuing orders purchased with gift funds
If there is no digit at the end of the subject abbreviation, the money is designated for non-collection materials.
To know what the abbreviations stand for and which selector is responsible for each fund, please visit the Acquisitions website.
The folder Budget Projections and Reports on Sharepoint contains a variety of spreadsheets and data on the budget over the fiscal years such as:
The Payment History File, or Payment History reports, is a listing of all the transactions made against a fund. These transactions include:
On Sharepoint, the Powerpoint How to Use Payment History Reports will take you through the reports and how to read them. Weekly payment history reports (usually run on Fridays) will be created for each selector including their associated funds outlining the transactions against that fund for the week. These are posted to Sharepoint and an email is sent to inform all selectors.
The cumulative Payment History File for all of a fiscal year, for all funds, is available on Sharepoint and updated weekly. This report is distributed in an Excel format.