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SW 7485 - Military Social Work: Evidence Based Practice: Finding Articles

Specific Database Search Strategies

MEDLINE (Ovid) -- After performing your subject searches and combining them together, you can limit the results to those from evidence based practice literature. Click on the “Additional Limits” button at the bottom of the search box. On the limits page, use the box labeled “Publication Types” to select Meta Analysis, Multicenter Study, Controlled Clinical Trial, and/or Randomized Controlled Trial. 

CINAHL -- Use "Advanced Search" and some of the limiters you can select are “Randomized Controlled Trial” and “Evidence-based Practice.” Evidence-based Practice includes “Research” articles (including systematic reviews, clinical trials, meta analyses, etc.)  as well as articles from evidence-based practice journals, articles about evidence-based practice, and commentaries on research studies (applying practice to research). Use with caution; every result may not be an evidence-based study.

PsycINFO -- Use "Advanced Search.”  On the “Limit your results” section of the page, use the box labeled “Methodology” to select Empirical Study, Meta Analysis and/or Treatment Outcome/Clinical Trial, etc. You can select multiple methodologies by holding the “Ctrl” key and clicking on the types.

PubMed -- PubMed has several ways to search for items focusing on analysis, evaluation, and review.  Under "PubMed Tools" (below the Search Box), select "Clinical Queries" to find citations for systematic reviews, meta-analyses, evidence-based medicine, etc.  You can also do a search and use the Filters column from the main results page to limit to particular filter. You may need to click on "more" to see additional filters [meta-analyses, evaluation study, etc.].  



Use databases to find articles. You can search a database by key words, by author, by journal name and other ways depending on where you are starting and what you need to find.

Here are some of the CORE databases for finding Social Work research:

High Value Keywords

These keywords can be used across systems to find relevant records quickly:

* Evidence-based or EBP

* Systematic review

* Meta-analysis double-blind

* Randomized controlled trial or RCT

* Empirically supported

* Clinically proven

* Clinical trial

* Practice guidelines

* Research-base

Other Online Resources

Evidence Based Resources  

  • Including The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - the Cochrane Library contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, including evidence from Cochrane Database and other systematic reviews, clinical trials. Cochrane reviews provide the combined results of the world’s best medical research studies, and are recognized as the gold standard in evidence-based health care.

DSM V (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Vol V)

PILOTS -Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress (bottom half, right, click on "Search for Published Articles")