For this course, you will cite sources in Modern Language Association (MLA) Style.
Both the EndNote and Zotero bibliographic managment systems come with MLA style pre-installed - see box at right. You may also use an online tool like this Citation Builder to format your citations.
MLA style includes the journal issue number only if each issue of the journal is paginated individually.
Kralj, Mary M. "Getting Out of the Box." Consulting Psychology
Journal: Practice and Research 46.2 (1994): 27-28. Print.
Brown, Erella. "The Lake of Seduction: Silence, Hysteria, and the Space of
Feminist Theatre." JTD: Journal of Theatre and Drama 2 (1996): 175-200.
Holton, Woody. "The Ohio Indians and the Coming of the American
Revolution in Virginia." The Journal of Southern History
60.3 (1994): 453-478. JSTOR. Web. 31 July 1998.
Sennett, Richard, and Jonathan Cobb. The Hidden Injuries of Class.
New York: Vintage Books, 1972. Print.
Schwartz, David, Steve Ryan, and Fred Wostbrock. The Encyclopedia
of TV Game Shows. New York: Facts on File, 1995. Print.
Norman, Richard. The Moral Philosophers. New York: Oxford UP,
1998. NetLibrary. Web. 14 Aug. 2001.
Cassel, Jeris, and BethAnn Zambella. "Without a Net: Supporting
Ourselves in a Tremulous Atmosphere." LOEX of the West:
Teaching and Learning in a Climate of Constant Change.
Ed. Thomas W. Leonhardt. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1996.
75-92. Print
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site. National Park
Service, 11 Feb. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2003.
MU supports two software packages that will help you manage and properly format your citations.
Zotero is a free program made available by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and the New Media.
EndNote is a program licensed by MU and free to students.