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REL ST 4320/7320: Introduction to Daoism: Writing & Citing

MLA Style: References

For this course, you will cite sources in Modern Language Association (MLA) Style.  

Both the EndNote and Zotero bibliographic managment systems come with MLA style pre-installed - see box at right.  You may also use an online tool like this Citation Builder to format your citations.

MLA Style: Examples

How to Format MLA In-Text Parenthetical Citations


Some Examples of MLA Bibliographic Citations


Journal Articles from a printed journal

MLA style includes the journal issue number only if each issue of the journal is paginated individually.

Kralj, Mary M. "Getting Out of the Box." Consulting Psychology
           Journal: Practice and Research
46.2 (1994): 27-28. Print.

Brown, Erella. "The Lake of Seduction: Silence, Hysteria, and the Space of
     Feminist Theatre."  JTD: Journal of Theatre and Drama  2  (1996):  175-200.

Journal Article, full text from database

Holton, Woody. "The Ohio Indians and the Coming of the American
          Revolution in Virginia." The Journal of Southern History
          60.3 (1994): 453-478. JSTOR. Web. 31 July 1998.


Sennett, Richard, and Jonathan Cobb. The Hidden Injuries of Class.
          New York: Vintage Books, 1972. Print.

Schwartz, David, Steve Ryan, and Fred Wostbrock. The Encyclopedia
           of TV Game Shows
. New York: Facts on File, 1995. Print.

Norman, Richard. The Moral Philosophers. New York: Oxford UP,
         1998. NetLibrary. Web. 14 Aug. 2001.

Article/Chapter in a Book

Cassel, Jeris, and BethAnn Zambella. "Without a Net: Supporting
            Ourselves in a Tremulous Atmosphere." LOEX of the West:
            Teaching and Learning in a Climate of Constant Change.  

            Ed. Thomas W. Leonhardt. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1996.
            75-92. Print

Web Page

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site. National Park
          Service, 11 Feb. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2003.

Check out more examples from Truman State University's page on Assembling a List of Works Cited in Your Paper.

Citation Software

EndNote logo  Zotero logo

MU supports two software packages that will help you manage and properly format your citations.

Zotero is a free program made available by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and the New Media.

EndNote is a program licensed by MU and free to students.

Check out the guides below for more information on how to use this software.