There are many guides and handbooks for both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Not all, but many books on social science methods are found in the H 62 and HA 29 call number area (third floor, East, in Ellis Library).
Keep in mind that research methodology books are high use. If our copy is checked out, request the book from All MERLIN or MOBIUS.
Here is a small sampling of books available:
Qualitative Research from Start to Finish Robert K. Yin (H62 .Y57 2011)
Designing qualitative research Catherine Marshall, Gretchen B. Rossman (H62 .M277 2011)
The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, edited by Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln (H62 .H2455 2005)
Just methods: an interdisciplinary feminist reader, Alison M. Jaggar,ed. (HQ 1180. J87 2008)
Handbook of emergent methods, edited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy (H62 .H24536 2008)
Quantitative data analysis : doing social research to test ideas, Donald J Treiman (HA29. T675 2009)
Foundations of mixed methods research : integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences, Charles Teddlie, Abbas Tashakkori (H62 .T294 2009)
A critical introduction to social research, Matt Henn, Mark Weinstein and Nick Foard (H62 .H38 2009)
Internet, mail, and mixed-mode surveys : the tailored design method, Don Dillman (HM538 .D55 2009)
SAGE Reference Online Library:
Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods