Provides British biographical information and bibliographies of additional biographical sources from the 4th century BC to the 21st century. It is updated 3 times each year.
A database of encyclopedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
Reference books offer good overviews of a person, movement or topic, and often contain bibliographies of key writings. All books listed here are found in the Reference stacks, just south of the back doors of the elevators on the first floor of Ellis Library.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. B51.R68 1998
History of Humanity, Vol. VI. CB69.H59
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. DA28.O95 2004
International Historical Statistics, Europe 1750-2005. HA1107.M5 2007
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. HB61.N49 1987
Encyclopedia of European Social History. HN373.E63 2001
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