Database with abstracts and citations of research literature and quality web sources, including journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, abstracts, and patent records. A multidisciplinary resource covering materials from the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Also indexes EMBASE and allows you to locate the most highly cited items and the articles that cite them.
Covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.
Covers an array of scientific disciplines such as forestry, human health & nutrition, veterinary medicine, agricultural biotechnology economics and engineering, recreation, and leisure.
Provides full-text for nearly 2,200 peer-reviewed and trade business journals. Also included are company profiles, industry reports, market research reports, and SWOT analysis.
Research Tips -- applicable in almost all databases
All databases, including Google, are based on what is called "Boolean logic," using the connectors AND, OR, and to a much lesser extent, NOT. If you understand what a database is doing behind the scenes, it will help you devise a better search to find what you need.
Click here to see a YouTube video that illustrates Boolean logic.
-Break your research question into essential key words and connect with AND, e.g., "What factors affect the decision to shop at farmers' markets?” becomes decision AND farmers markets
-Brainstorm synonyms and connect with OR, e.g., decision OR choice OR attitude OR preference
Don’t get stuck on one term if there are other ways of expressing it.
-Think about the best databases to use, based on the focus of your research. Besides PR&T, maybe Rural Sociology, Agriculture, Business, Education or Health & Medicine would be useful categories.
-Use wild card/ truncation symbol (*) to get plurals and variant endings, e.g., method* will find method, methods, methodology, methodologies, methodological
-Use “Advanced Search” for more control and flexibility. - Limit to the abstract
-Put quotes around a term that’s a phrase to keep the words together, e.g. “event planning” “experience economy”
-If applicable, limit your search to “Academic Journals” or “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals”
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than an abundance of journals and covers extensive academic disciplines and provides comprehensive content, including PDF back-files, videos, and searchable cited references.
Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Provides access to the educational and related literature available in periodicals published worldwide and in the ERIC documents microfiche collection.
Includes full-text education journals that cover the essentials of education and related fields of study, including in-depth coverage of special education.
Contains references to articles in periodicals, technical reports, dissertations, and other materials in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences. Contains full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association.
Database with abstracts and citations of research literature and quality web sources, including journals, conference proceedings, trade publications, abstracts, and patent records. A multidisciplinary resource covering materials from the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Also indexes EMBASE and allows you to locate the most highly cited items and the articles that cite them.
Provides access to scholarly journals in the arts and sciences. Contains a digital library of images, previously known as ARTStor, in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images.
Web of Science indexes thousands of scholarly journals, books, reports, conferences and more. Citation information and analysis with cited reference searching available. The collection includes Science Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Social Sciences Citation Index Expanded (1990-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1990-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present), Book Citation Index (2005-present), Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present) and Index Chemicus (1993-present).
Some databases, but not most, have direct links to articles. For most databases you will need to look for the linker button,
You will then have three options:
If we don't have an article online or in print in the library, you can order it via Interlibrary Loan Service. In most cases you will receive your article online via your MU e-mail account within 3 days. As long as you plan ahead and don't wait until the last minute, you should get your article in plenty of time for your research project. There is no charge for this service.