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Tips, techniques & resources to help with your research papers, projects, artistic and performance study and practice

Scholarly Articles & Books

Although Discover@MU includes the following databases, you may want to search these directly. Each focus on a more specific area of research and the search interface has special features to facilitate research in this field.

The following databases are NOT included in Discover@MU. Although not specifically dedicated to theatre, they can give you different angles drawn from a wider selection of resources.

Finding Reviews

Pro Tip: Searching Within Books

Scholarship in the arts and humanities is frequently published in books, either as article-length chapters collected in book volumes, or as "long-form" studies that take up hundreds of pages. Discover@MU and other databases may search the table of contents of books or a brief description, but most don't delve into the full text. The following sites are helpful for searching inside books to find relevant portions. Although copyright restrictions may limit what you can view or download, this helps identify relevant books that we can then find in print.