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Classicist's Online Library

Welcome to the Classicist's Online Library

Most of the links on these pages go to books at the Internet Archive.
To view / checkout most of them, you will have to sign up for a FREE account,
(the sign-up link is on the top right of the Internet Archive page). 

Use the tabs on the left to navigate.

Ancient Writers     
Links to the book Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome / Luce.
Each chapter covers an ancient writer and provides biographical information, a description / summary of the author's works, editions, translations, commentaries, and scholarly literature. The work was published in 1982 but still a great place for high school students and college undergraduates to get an overview of a author and their works. 

Critical Studies Greek Authors and Roman Authors     
These links go to the critical studies cited in articles found in Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome.
These are older studies, but still useful, and they are online. 

Other Tabs

The rest of the tabs are be self-explanatory. The links also go to books at the Internet Archive. 
Most of the books were suggested in the reference book: Classical Studies: A Guide to Reference Literature, which is also
available online from the last tab. .