- Adventure fiction
- Allegories
- Alternative histories
- Arthurian romances
- Autobiographical fiction
- Bible fiction
- Bildungsromans
- Biographical fiction
- Black humor
- Christian fiction
- Comic books, strips, etc.
- Didactic drama
- Didactic fiction
- Didactic poetry
- Dystopias
- Elegiac Poetry
- Epic fiction
- Epic poetry
- Epistolary fiction
- Epistolary poetry
- Erotic comic books, strips, etc.
- Fantasy poetry
- Farces
- Filmed Plays
- Folklore
- Ghost stories
- Gothic fiction
- Historical drama
- Historical fiction
- Historical poetry
- Love poetry
- Love stories
- Medical novels
- Melodrama
- Melodramatic fiction
- Moralities
- Movie novels
- Mysteries and miracle plays
- Mystery comic books, strips, etc.
- Mystery fiction
- Mystery plays
- Narrative poetry
- Noir fiction
- Occult fiction
- Parables
- Passion plays
- Pastoral drama
- Pastoral fiction
- Picaresque literature
- Radio and television novels
- Regency fiction
- Road fiction
- Robinsonades
- Romances
- Romans a clef
- Romantic suspense fiction
- Spy stories
- Superhero comic books, strips, etc.
- Suspense fiction
- Tall tales
- Tragedies
- Utopian fiction
- Voyages, imaginary
- War stories
- Western comic books, strips, etc.
- Western stories