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Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists

American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB) Reading List

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.



This guide contains the list of books and journals recommended as study materials for the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB) examination.

Residents are responsible for ensuring they are using the correct edition of a book for the exam.

Please ask your librarian, mentor, or specialty board examination committee if questions arise.

"The ACVB has developed the Suggested Reading List  for individuals applying for membership to serve as a general reading list of behavioral information. Suggested readings are indicated by an asterisk (*). The intent of this more specific list is to help guide Candidates towards the more pertinent books that will assist them in preparing for the examination. This list is not intended to suggest that the Candidate should read every book on ethology or every book on learning theory, but rather to demonstrate the breadth and scope of veterinary behavior. Neither list should be construed as a commitment regarding specific examination material. For the purposes of studying for the ACVB examination, it is suggested that a Candidate review texts pertaining to general principles of behavior as well as species specific material, then use other books to fill in clinical information. Current texts in the fields of internal medicine, neurology (Lorenz or Chrisman et al), and neuroscience (Bear et al or Kandel et al) should also be reviewed with emphasis on veterinary behavior. More timely material, available in periodicals listed below, should be consulted as well. Refer to the general reading list for additional references."

Source: ACVB Exam Information  - Suggested reading list can be found in the "2018 ACVB Applicant Packet", also attached below.

This resource updated: 07/06/2018

Source reading list reviewed: 2016

Source reading list updated by specialty board: 2016

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.


* Suggested reading are indicated by an asterisk 

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.


* Suggested readings are indicated by an asterisk. 

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.
This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.
This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.


* Suggested readings are indicated by an asterisk. 

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.


Suggested readings are indicated by an asterisk (*).

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.
This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.
This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.
This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.

"Candidates are expected to be familiar with the classic and current behavior literature from various journal sources. Journals listed below are particularly significant. Papers relevant to clinical case management should be emphasized. The list should not be considered all-inclusive."

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVB reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVB reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVB reading list.

Proceedings of the International Veterinary Behavior Meetings

Librarians' notes:

  • International Veterinary Behavior Meetings, nine meetings as of 2014; they are held every other year.
  • The 2nd proceedings papers were never published professionally. The first proceedings are available in paper and also electronically in the University of Lincoln digital archive (link below)
  • To distribute proceedings widely by making sure conference proceedings papers are deposited in a digital archive is a best practice and a great service to veterinary medicine.
  • One of the founders of the biennal meetings is Professor Daniel Mills.  He has edited several of the collections of papers from the meetings, including the 1st.

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians