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News. Federal Housing Finance Board. T 71.7/2:

Here you will find complete holding information for the Federal Housing Finance Board's publication NEWS seen in this MERLIN record

T 71.7/2:  1989-1994[ALL INC]  

T 71.7/2:  1995-2001[ALL INC]  

T 71.7/2: Contents of volume dated 1989-1994

#           Issue Title
89-1      Mortgage commitment rates, decline in early October
89-70    Commitment rates mixed in November
90-1      Mortgage commitment rates continue decline in December
90-3      Mortgage rates show small January decline
90-6      Mortgage rates show increase in February
90-7      Mortgage rates up slightly in March.
90-10    Mortgage rates show little change in April
90-11    Federal Housing Finance Board Seeks Comments on its Mortgage Rate Survey (not on CGP list)
90-12    Federal housing finance board reports on 15-year mortgages and May mortgage rates
90-15    FHFB reports yields on jumbo mortgages
90-16    Average effective rates on loans closed decline in July
90-18    Average effective rates on loans closed continue to decline in August.
90-20    FHFB news, mortgage commitment rates up in September
90-24    October home purchase prices and conforming loan limits rise in 1990
90-25    Mortgage commitment rates continue to decline
91-3      Federal Housing Finance Board reports continued decline in mortgage rates.
91-51    Federal Housing Finance Board report declines in mortgage interest rates
91-10    FHFB announces continued declines in mortgage rates and proposed changges to mortgage interest rate survey
91-13    FHFB News, Mortgage rates fall to lowest levels in almost four years according to FHFB
91-18    April mortgage rates average 9.24 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board.
91-23    May mortgage rates average 9.23 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board
91-25    June mortgage rates average 9.12 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board.    
91-29    June mortgage rates average 9.12 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board
91-34    August mortgage rates average 9.11 percent reports FHFB
91-38    September mortgage rates fall below 9 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board
91-44    October mortgage rates continue to fall reports FHFB
91-49    November mortgage rate continue to fall reports FHFB
92-03    December mortgage rates average 8.26 percent reports Federal Housing Finance Board
92-13    January mortgage rates average 8.05 percent report Federal Housing Finance Board
92-19    Federal Housing Finance Board reports February mortgage rates edge upwards
92-24    Federal Housing Finance Board reports March mortgage rates
92-28    Federal Housing Finance Board reports April mortgage rates
92-34    Federal Housing Finance Board reports May mortgage rates
92-39    Federal Housing Finance Board reports June mortgage rates decline
92-42    Federal Housing Finance Board reports July mortgage rates decline
92-48    FHFB reports August mortgage rates fall to record lows
92-53    FHFB reports continued decline in mortgage rates
92-57    FHFB reports decline in mortgage rates
92-61    FHFB reports increase in mortgage rates
93-3      Federal Housing Finance Board reports on December mortgage rates
93-10    FHFB reports decline in mortgage rates
93-17    FHFB reports record low mortgage rates
93-21    FHFB reports record low mortgage rates
93-26    FHFB reports continued decline in average mortgage rates
93-32    FHFB reports stable mortgage rates
93-35    FHFB reports decline in mortgage rates
93-40    FHFB reports decline in mortgage rates
93-45    FHFB reports continued decline in mortgage rates
93-50    FHFB reports 25-year record low mortgage rates
93-55    FHFB reports another 25-year record low mortgage rates
93-58    FHFB reports small increases in most mortgage rates
94-04    FHFB reports increases in fixed-rate mortgage rates
94-10    FHFB reports increases in adjustable-rate mortgage rates
94-15    FHFB reports lowest loan fees in 20 years
94-17    FHFB reports increases in mortgage rates
94-22    FHFB reports increases in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
94-24    FHFB reports five-year high in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
94-28    FHFB reports a continued increase in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
94-34    FHFB reports decrease in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
94-38    FHFB reports increased popularity of 1-year Treasury ARMs and record high loan-to-price ratio on conventional
             mortgage  loans
94-42    FHFB reports continued increase in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
94-49    FHFB reports house price decline of 1.5 percent since last October
94-55    FHFB reports more than half of new mortgages have adjustable rates

T 71.7/2: Contents of volume dated 1995-2001

#           Issue Title
95-4      FHFB reports fixed mortgage rates increased by 1.7 percent in 1994
95-8      FHFB reports further increase in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
95-14    FHFB reports decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-18    FHFB reports decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-27    FHFB reports decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-32    FHFB reports continued decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-41    FHFB reports continued decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-47    FHFB reports continued decline in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-55    FHFB reports increase in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-61    FHFB reports decrease in fixed-rate mortgage rates
95-65    FHFB reports October average house price of $144,600
95-69    FHFB reports decrease in fixed-rate mortgage rates
96-04    FHFB reports fixed-rate mortgage rates decreased by 1.39 percent in 1995
96-07    FHFB reports further decrease in fixed-rate mortgage rates
96-11    FHFB reports record low percentage of mortgages with adjustable rates
96-16    FHFB reports increase in 30-year fixed mortgage rates
96-23    FHFB reports the continued increase in 30-year, fixed mortgage rates
96-28    FHFB reports higher mortgage rates in nonmetropolitan areas
96-34    FHFB reports continued higher fixed-rate mortgage loan rates
96-37    FHFB reports continued higher fixed-rate mortgage loan rates
96-41    FHFB reports lower mortgage loan rates
96-49    FHFB reports stable mortgage loan rates
96-52    FHFB reports October average house price of $156,800
96-56    FHFB reports lower mortgage rates
97-6      FHFB reports stable mortgage rates during 1996
97-11    FHFB reports increased mortgage rates
97-14    FHFB requests comments on proposed changes to monthly interest rate survey
97-22    FHFB reports higher mortgage interest rates
97-26    FHFB reports continued higher mortgage interest rates
97-33    FHFB reports little change in mortgage interest rates
97-39    FHFB reports lower fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
97-42    FHFB reports lower mortgage interest rates
97-47    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates
97-49    FHFB reports stable mortgage interest rates
97-56    FHFB reports October average house price of $166,000
97-60    FHFB reports continued lower 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
98-05    FHFB reports lower mortgage interest rates during 1997
98-08    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates
98-12    FHFB reports lowest rates on 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage loans in four years
98-19    FHFB reports stable mortgage interest rates
98-23    FHFB reports record high percentage of 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loans
98-26    FHFB reports stable mortgage interest rates
98-29    FHFB reports lower mortgage interest rates
98-32    FHFB reports lowest 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates in almost five years
98-35    FHFB reports continued lower fixed-rate mortgage rates
98-37    FHFB reports second lowest 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates in twelve years
98-40    FHFB reports October average house price of $175,200
98-44    FHFB reports stable mortgage interest rates
99-02    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates during 1998
99-06    FHFB reports stable 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-08    FHFB reports higher 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-10    FHFB reports continued higher 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-13    FHFB reports higher fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-15    FHFB reports continued higher fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-17    FHFB reports higher fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-20    FHFB reports continued higher mortgage interest rates
99-22    FHFB reports continued increase in adjustable-rate mortgage lending
99-26    FHFB reports higher fixed-rate mortgage interest rates
99-28    FHFB reports October average house price of $184,500
99-33    FHFB reports stable mortgage interest rates
00-03    FHFB reports higher mortgage interest rates during 1999
00-07    FHFB reports higher mortgage interest rates
00-10    FHFB reports continued higher mortgage interest rates
00-13    FHFB reports continued higher mortgage interest rates
00-16    FHFB reports generally stable mortgage interest rates
00-20    FHFB reports higher mortgage interest rates
00-25    FHFB reports continued higher mortgage interest rates
00-31    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates
00-33    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates
00-35    FHFB reports October average house price of $200,800
00-40    FHFB reports continued lower mortgage interest rates
01-02    FHFB reports lower second half 2000 mortgage interest rates
01-04    FHFB reports significantly lower mortgage interest rates
01-07    FHFB reports lower fixed-rate mortgage interest rates