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Veterinary Pathobiology 5579: Veterinary Genomics

Primary Literature

Online Resources

PubMed Tips

Use the PubMed links provided by MU Libraries, especially from off campus.

  • Access PubMed from a Library page or bookmark this URL:
  • We've created an "MU Version" of PubMed that will link you to the full text of the article. If you go straight to, you'll likely be asked to pay for an article.
  • The MU Version contains the FindIt@MU button which will link you to the full text. You'll see the FindIt@MU button on the Abstract view.
  • When you're on campus, the Publisher link will often work just fine -- use the FindIt@MU button if the publisher link doesn't work.
  • When you're off campus, use the FindIt@MU button. You'll be asked to log in with your username.

"Available at MU" Filter

  • When you use the MU Version of PubMed, you'll see an "Available at MU" filter in the right-hand column. This filter will limit your results to: free full text; full text that the Libraries subscribes to; items in print somewhere on campus.
  • While the library is happy to get you the articles that we don't own via InterLibrary Loan, this filter can be a handy time saver!
  • If something is on campus, but in print only, use the "Request a Copy" feature. We'll scan and send you the .pdf for free.

What's the Article about? Check the MeSH terms.

  • The power of PubMed is in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Indexers (actual people!) at the National Library of Medicine read each article and tag it with MeSH terms to let you know what the article is about. You'll see a link to "MeSH Terms" in the full record. Terms with an asterisk indicate a focus of the article. Note: new articles might not yet have their full MeSH indexing.
  • PubMed also does what's called "Automatic Term Mapping." If you search for "canine," PubMed automatically includes results on "dogs," the official MeSH term.
  • You can see what PubMed is doing by looking at the "Details" box (right-hand side of search results page).

Overwhelmed with Results? Try adding "genetics" to your search.

  • Adding genetics to your search will not only search for the term in the title and abstract, but in the MeSH terms.
  • There's a great "genetics" subheading. So, an article with the MeSH term "Fanconi Syndrome/genetics" lets you know that the article has a genetics component even if the word "genetics" doesn't appear anywhere else in the record.
  • PubMed is connected to other NCBI databases. On PubMed records, you'll see links over to MedGen information (MedGen includes OMIM). OMIA is another great place to look.

Looking for treatment information? Try Clinical Queries.

How to Find (or Not Find) Review Articles.

  • Look at the "Article Types" filter in the left-hand column of your results page.
  • All the review articles are labeled "Review" at the end of the citation.

Need to cite something? In PubMed, look at the "Summary (text)" format to see how all the parts fit together.

  • PubMed defaults to the Summary format for results and the Abstract format when you click on a title. Change the Display to the "Summary (text)" format to see the citation in "Vancouver," a heavily-used biomedical citation style.