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Sociology 4620: Drugs and Society: Book Searches

A Variety of Book Searches

  • Front tab (Discover @ MU) - searches full text of books owned by MU Libraries - searches books AND articles at once.
  • 2nd tab (Books & Media) - searches words that are part of the basic book information (title, subject headings, etc.) NOT full text
  • Classic Catalog (MERLIN) - linked from Search & Find tab and Books & Media tab - good for certain kinds of searches, like Subject
  • MOBIUS search (link from Books & Media tab) - expands book search to libraries throughout Missouri.  You can request that they be sent here, if we do not have the book at MU or it is checked out from here.

"Big Picture" E-Books

Search & Find: Books

A Book result from a Search & Find search.  Always check location & availability and write/text the call number (in this example, the call number  is QP752.E84 F38 2001).

example of book result

  • Always have your books's entire call number written down when looking for the book.  There are signs posted in the library indicating which call numbers are located on which floors.
  • If a book is an e-book, there will be NO location and call number but you can get to the e-book itself in one or two clicks.  If given a choice, always click the MU link to the book, or you will not be able to get to it.  In many cases, only one person can view an e-book at a time.
  • If a book is NOT an e-book but still has no location or call number, you can have the library order it, but we do not own it yet.