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Health Sciences 4200

Resources for HS4200: Introduction to Research Methods

Getting Started

Define your research topic.  Spend time on it as it drives your research and your paper. In health sciences, your topic is typically a question.  What is it that you want to know?  State the problem or concern.  For example, are people with diabetes at higher risk for respiratory tract infections?  Be clear on your population.  For example, are you concerned about children, teens, adults or the elderly?  Determine what you are measuring.  For example, you could measure risk of disease, or health knowledge, sleep quality, or the benefits of a medication.   Here's an example question: Are middle-aged patients with type-2 diabetes at higher risk of respiratory tract infections than patients without type-2 diabetes?

Use a health focused database.  Use a database such as PubMed which focuses on the biomedical sciences. PubMed only includes journal articles and a few books and conference papers. There are also specific databases for nursing, psychology, and other health disciplines.  See the list of databases to the right.

Extrapolation is key.  You will need to pull pieces of information from various articles to make your point.  You may not – probably won’t – find one perfect article that sums up your position.

Take notes as you go.   Record the databases you searched, the terms you used, and the citations you found. This will be helpful when you come back to your work and when you write up your paper.  You can use software such as Mendeley or Zotero (see Citing Sources tab) to organize the citations that you find.  Additionally, write down any questions that arise during your research; you can discuss these with your instructor or with us here at the library.

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Tutorials and Guides

Need a brief refresher on how to utilize some of the library resources? Visit the Tutorials & Guides page on the library webpage for screenshot and video guides.

Recommended Databases