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Health Sciences 4200

Resources for HS4200: Introduction to Research Methods

General Tips

Your Question...spend time on it as it drives your research and your paper.  What specifically do you want to find out?  About whom? 

Use a health focused database, or two.  There might be overlap in what you find, but each database will have something unique.

Extrapolation is key.  You will need to pull pieces of information from various articles to make your point.  You may not – probably won’t – find one perfect article that sums up your position.

Take notes as you go.  Be kind to your future self and track where you search, the terms you use, and the citations you find. If an article looks *remotely* useful, make note of it. Better yet, put it in Mendeley or  Zotero (see Citing Sources tab). It’s always easier to cross it off later than try to find it again. (Sometimes you can’t find it again.  I’ve learned that the hard way.)

Stuck? Ask us! Call (573) 882-4153 or email

Tutorials and Guides

Need a brief refresher on how to utilize some of the library resources? Visit the Tutorials & Guides page on the library webpage for screenshot and video guides.

Recommended Databases