Poster Evaluation Checklist
o Title and other required sections are present
o Complete author affiliation & contact information is included
o The poster conforms to the requirements of the conference where it will be presented
o Font is sans-serif
o Font is consistent throughout
o Spelling is correct throughout
o Grammar is correct throughout
o Acronyms are defined on first use
o Content is appropriate & relevant for audience
o All text can be easily read from 4 feet away
o Flow of the poster is easy to follow
o White space used well
o Section titles are used consistently
o Images/graphics are used in place of text whenever possible
o Bullet points/lists are used in place of text whenever possible
o All images are relevant and necessary to the poster
o Charts are correct – i.e. appropriate type for data, data is correct & correctly represented
o Text color and background color are significant in contrast for easy reading
o Background color doesn’t obscure or dim text
o Images are clear, not pixilated or blurry
o The “story” of the poster is clear
o The content is focused on 2-3 key points
o Title is clear & informative of the project
o Problem, or clinical question, is identified and explained
o Current evidence related to project is listed
o Objectives are stated
o Methods are described
o Results are presented
o Conclusions are stated
o Implications to practice and to other professions are presented
o References are listed
o All content is relevant and on the key points
o Content is not duplicated in text and graphics
Oral Presentation
o Presenter greets people
o Presenter is able to give a concise synopsis of poster
o Presenter is able to explain all diagrams and sections
o Presenter speaks fluently – i.e. doesn’t stumble, leave sentences/thoughts hanging
o Presenter has questions to ask viewers
For a printable version of the checklist see MS Word version in the next column
The following links are to surveys & rubrics with questions you can use to critique & improve your poster