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Thompson Folk Motif Index Bibliography

Motif-Index of Folk-Literature Bibilography I - M

Irwin, Cecilia Pauze. Summaries of the Stories of Béroalde de Verville's La Moyen de Parvenir. Unpublished M. A. thesis, University of South Carolina, 1953.

Ittman, J. *Einiges aus Bankon-Literatur (ZsES XVII).
*Nyang-Märchen (ZsES XVII).

Jacobs, Joseph. Book of Wonder Voyages. London, 1896.
*The Fables of Aesop. New York, 1894.
Celtic Fairy Tales. London, 1892.
More Celtic Fairy Tales. London, 1894.
English Fairy Tales. London, 1890.
More English Fairy Tales. London, 1895.

*Jacobs' list = Jacobs, Joseph. "List of Folk-Tale Incidents common to European Folk-Tales" in Papers and Transactions of the International Folk-lore Congress, 1891. London, 1892.

*Jacottet, E. The Treasury of Basuto Lore. London, 1908.

*JAFL = Journal of American Folk-Lore. Boston, etc., 1888 ff.

JAI = Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1871 ff.

JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society. Boston, etc., 1849 ff.

☉Jansen, William Hugh. Abraham "Oregon" Smith: pioneer, folk hero, and tale-teller. (Indiana University Ph. D. thesis.) Typewritten MS. Indiana University Library. Bloomington (Ind.), 1949.

JAS = Journal of the African Society. 34 vols. London, 1862—1900.

Jātaka. See Cowell.

JE = Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition. New York, etc., 1898 ff.

*Jegerlehner, Johannes. Sagen und Märchen aus dem Oberwallis. Basel, 1909.

Jenness, Diamond. Notes and Traditions from Northern Alaska (Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, Southern Party, 1913—16, XIII). Ottawa, 1924.

Jensen, P. Das Gilgamesch-Epos in der Weltliteratur. Strassburg, 1906.

*Jijena Sanchez, Rafael. El Perro Negro. Buenos Aires, 1952.

Johnson, Sir Harry. George Grenfell and the Congo, Vol. II. London, 1908.

*Jones, Louis C. Spooks of the Valley: ghost stories for boys and girls. Boston, 1948.

JPASB = Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

JSFO = Journal de la Société Finno-ougrienne. Helsingfors, 1886 ff.

*Junod, H. A. The Life of a South African Tribe, Vol. II. Neuchatel, 1913.

*Kalevala, the land of heroes (W. F. Kirby, tr.). London, 1907.

Kålund, K. Kirialax Saga. København, 1917.

Keightley, Thomas. Fairy Mythology. London, 1847.

Keith, A. B. Indian Mythology (The Mythology of all Races VI). Boston, 1917.

☉Keller, John Esten. Motif-Index of Mediaeval Spanish Exempla. Knoxville (Tenn.), 1949.

Kennedy, P. Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts. London, 1866.

*Ker, Anna. Papuan Fairy Tales. London, 1910.

Ketilssaga Haengs (FAS II 109 ff.).

*Kidd, D. Savage Childhood: a Study of Kaffir Children. London, 1906.

*Kittredge, G. L. Arthur and Gorlagon (Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature VIII). Boston, 1903.
*A Study of Gawain and the Green Knight. Cambridge (Mass.), 1916.
*Witchcraft in Old and New England. Cambridge (Mass.), 1929.

Klapper, Joseph. Erzählungen des Mittelalters. Breslau, 1914.

*Knowles, J. H. Folk-Tales of Kashmir. London, 1893.

*Köhler, Reinhold. Aufsätze über Märchen und Volkslieder (ed. J. Bolte and E. Schmidt). Berlin, 1894.

*Köhler-Bolte = Köhler, R. Kleinere Schriften (ed. J. Bolte). 3 vols. Weimar, 1898—1900.

Kölbing, E. Riddarsögur. København, 1872.

Krappe, A. H. Les Sources du Libro de Exemplos, Bulletin Hispanique, XXXIX, pp. 5—54.
*Balor with the Evil Eye: Studies in Celtic and French Literature. New York, 1927.
*Études de mythologie et de folklore germaniques. Paris, 1928.
The Science of Folk-Lore. London, 1930.

*Kristensen, Evald Tang. Danske Sagn. 2d ed. 6 vols. København, 1928—36.

Krohn, Kaarle. *Bär (wolf) und Fuchs (JSFO VI). Helsingfors, 1886.
Der gefangene Unhold (Finnische-Ugrische Forschungen VII 129—84). Helsingfors, 1908.
*Mann und Fuchs. Helsingfors. 1891.

Krug, Adolph N. Bulu Tales from Kamerun, West Africa (JAFL XXV).

Kruyt, A. C. Het Animisme in den Indischen Archipel. 'sGravenhage, 1906.

*Lagerholm, Å. Drei Lygisogur (ASB XVII). København, 1927.

*Laistner, Ludwig. Das Rätsel der Sphinx. 2 vols. Berlin, 1889.

Landau, M. Die Quellen des Dekameron. 2d ed. Stuttgart, 1884.

*Landtman, G. The Folk-Tales of the Kiwai Papuans (Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae XLVII). Helsingfors, 1917.

Lang, Andrew. The Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, done into English by William Adlington. London, 1886.
Myth, Ritual and Religion. 2 vols. London, 1887.

*Langdon, S. H. Semitic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races V). Boston, 1931.

Largeau, V. Elements de Grammaire et Dictionnaire Français-Pahouin. Paris, 1901.

Laserstein, Käte. Der Griseldisstoff in der Weltliteratur (Forschungen zur neueren Literaturgeschichte LVIII). Weimar, 1926.

Latchman, Ricardo E. Las creencias religiosas de los antiguos peruanos. Santiago de Chile, 1929.

Lawrence, R. M. The Magic of the Horseshoe. London and Boston, 1898.

Le Braz, A. La Légende de la Mort chez les Bretons armoricains. 2 vols. Paris, 1902.

Lederbogen, Wilhelm. *Kameruner Märchen. Berlin, 1901.
*Duala Marchen (Mittheilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen, VI, Dritte Abteilung). Berlin, 1903.
Duala Fables. JAS IV (1904—05).

*Lee, A. C. The Decameron, its Sources and Analogues. London, 1909.

*Leland, Charles Godfrey. The Algonquin Legends of New England. Boston, 1884.

Leskien = Leskien, A. and Brugmann, K. Litauische Volkslieder und Märchen. Strassburg, 1882.

*Leyden, F. von der. Das Märchen, 3d ed. Leipzig, 1925.
*Das Märchen in den Göttersagen der Edda. Berlin, 1899.
Der gefesselte Unhold (Prager deutsche Studien, Heft 8, Sonderabzug, 1—29). Prag, 1908.

*Liebrecht, Felix. Zur Volkskunde. Heilbronn, 1879.

*Liljeblad, Sven. Die Tobiasgeschichte und andere Märchen mit toten Helfern. Lund, 1927.

*Liungman, W. En traditionsstudie över sagan om Prinsessan i Jordkulan. Göteborg, 1925.
*Två Folkminnesundersökningar. Göteborg, 1925.
Sveriges Samtliga Folksagor. 3 vols. Djursholm (Sweden), 1950—52.

Lloyd, John W. Aw-aw-tam Indian Nights. Westerfield, N. J., 1911.

Loomis, C. Grant. White Magic: an Introduction to the Folklore of Christian Legend. Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.

Loomis, R. S. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. New York, 1927.

Loorits, Oskar. Grundzüge des estnischen Volksglaubens, Vol. I. Lund, 1949.

Lorentzen, Th. Die Sage vom Rodensteiner. Heidelberg, 1903.

*Löwis, A. von, of Menar. Die Brünhildsage in Russland (Palaestra No. 142). Leipzig, 1923.

*Luomala, Katherine. Maui-of-a-Thousand-Tricks. BMB CXCVIII. Honolulu, 1949.

Luzel, F. M. Contes populaires de Basse-Bretagne. 3 vols. Paris, 1887.

MacCulloch, J. A. *Celtic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races III). Boston, 1918.
*The Childhood of Fiction. London, 1905.
*Eddic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races II). Boston, 1930.

MacDougall, James, and Calder, George. Folk Tales and Fairy Lore in Gaelic and English. Edinburgh, 1910.

*Máchal, J. Slavic Mythology (The Mythology of all Races III). Boston, 1918.

MacKay, D. E. The Double Invitation in the Legend of Don Juan. Stanford University, 1943.

☉McKay, J. G. More West Highland Tales. Edinburgh and London, 1940.

MAFLS = Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society.

*Malalasekera, George Peiris. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. 2 vols. London, 1937.    Vol. 1    Vol. 2

*Malory, Sir Thomas. Morte D'Arthur (many editions).

Mannhart, W. Wald und Feldkulte. 2 vols. 2d ed. Berlin, 1904—05.

*Mansfeld, Alfred. Urwald-Dokumente: Vier Jahre unter den Crossflussnegern Kameruns. Berlin, 1908.

Marie-Ursule, Sœur. Civilisation traditionelle des Lavalois. (Les Archives de Folklore V—VI). Quebec, 1951.

*Marguerite de Navarre. Heptameron. 3 vols. (ed. Díllage, Paris, 1879). (Analysis by Sarah C. Pinkney, University of South Carolina).

Meinhof, Carl. Afrikanische Märchen. Jena, 1921.

*Meinhof, Elli. Märchen aus Kamerun. Strassburg, 1889.

*Mélusine. 10 vols. Paris, 1878—1901.

Mensa Philosophica = T. F. Dunn. The Facetiae of the Mensa Philosophica (Washington University Studies, new series, Lang. and Lit. No. 5). St. Louis, 1934.

Métraux, Alfred. Ethnology of Easter Island. BMB CLX. Honolulu, 1940.
*Mitos y Cuentos de los Indios Chiriguano. RMLP XXXIII (1932), pp. 119—84.
*Myths of the Toba and Pilaga Indians of the Gran Chaco (MAFLS XL, 1946).
Myths and Tales of the Matako Indians. Göteborg, 1939.

Meyer, Elard H. Germanische Mythologie. Berlin, 1891.
Mythologie der Germanen. Strassburg, 1903.

*Meyer, Johann J. Hindu Tales. London, 1909.

*Meyer, Kuno. The Voyage of Bran, son of Febal to the Land of the Living (with an essay upon the Irish Vision of the Happy Otherworld and the Celtic doctrine of Rebirth by Alfred Nutt). 2 vols. London, 1895, 1897.

Meyer, Richard M. Altgermanische Religiongeschichte. Leipzig, 1910.

Milligan, Robert H. *The Fetish Folk of West Africa. Chicago, 1912.
*The Jungle Folk of Africa. New York, 1908.

*Mischlich, A. Neue Märchen aus Afrika. Leipzig, 1929.

*Mitford, A. B. F. Tales of Old Japan. 3d edition. London, 1876.

*MLN = Modern Language Notes. Baltimore, 1886 ff.

Moe, Moltke. Samlede Skrifter. 4 vols. Oslo, 1925 ff.

Mogk Festschrift = Festschrift Eugen Mogk zum 70. Geburtstag. Halle, 1924.

Monteil, C. Contes Soudanais. Paris, 1905.

Moreno Enriquez, Maria de los Angeles. Motivos de narracion tradicionales en los libros de Esdras. (Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico VI 7—45.) Mexico, 1947.

MSFO = Mémoires de la Société Finno-ougrienne, Helsingfors.

*MPh = Modern Philology. Chicago, 1903 ff.

Much, R. Der germanische Himmelsgott (Abhandlungen zur germanischen Philologie: Festgabe fur Richard Heinzel, pp. 189 ff.) Halle, 1898.

MWF = Midwest Folklore. Bloomington 1951 ff.

Müller, P. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tem-Sprache (Nord-Togo). (Mitteilungen des Seminars für orientalische Sprachen zu Berlin, VIII.)

*Müller, W. Max. Egyptian Mythology (The Mythology of all Races XII). Boston, 1918.