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Parliamentary Papers at MU (2010 Edition): Home

What are Parliamentary Papers?

The House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP) are the working documents of the British Government, encompassing all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, showing how issues were explored and legislation was formed. The HCPP are vital to the historical record of Britain, its former Colonies, and the wider world. For more information about how Parliament works, visit the About Parliament and Publication sections of the UK Parliament website.

Emblem of the Houses of Parliament


“Researching British Parliamentary papers and other British documents is not always a straightforward task. The papers are grouped in a variety of sets and series (collections), the arrangement of which vary. Some collections are in print format, while other collections are in a variety of micro-formats or online. Some of the collections overlap as to content. Lastly, indexes vary in much the same way as the collections. Researchers should budget both time and patience when working with the Parliamentary Papers.”--From the University of Georgia Library British Parliamentary Papers Research Guide


The basic organization and some of the more generic wording in this guide has been taken, with permission, from Becky Imamoto's House of Commons Parliamentary Papers guide.


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Rachel Brekhus
168 Ellis Library

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