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Knovel Access Changes: Home

Knovel has altered the method of accessing its' materials. Here are the new methods for accessing Knovel from off-campus.

New Platform

On August 15, 2013, Knovel introduced a new platform for researchers to access their content. 

Key features include:

  • A new intuitive search that improves the speed of search results’ returns as well as their accuracy and relevance of results.
  • Updated search algorithm - Knovel has updated its algorithm to ensure answers are more easily discoverable and results are more relevant.
  • Faceted search results - users can view and filter search results to one of many Knovel content types -- including interactive tables, text sections, material datasheets, conference proceedings, engineering cases and more.
  • Search within results - users can refine searches and use the breadcrumb trail to view and navigate between search sets.
  • Search snippets - users can scan results in context (not section headings) to determine relevance.
  • Data Search - New wizard functionality enables users to drag and drop field names from a Properties taxonomy. As criteria are added, users can see the volume of relevant results along the way. Users can locate critical numeric range values of properties with complete control over units.
  • Updated, user-friendly interface - improves navigation and increases visibility of interactive tools and clearly displays subscription entitlements.
  • Entitlements are clearly indicated for both Browse and Search. Users can see the full breadth of Knovel’s product offering, or they can filter search results to show only what’s available with their subscription. Premium products are now listed on the browse page instead of simply embedded in Subject Area listings.
  • Faster text viewing - A new Web-based PDF viewer vastly reduces the download wait time compared to PDF readers that require installing to the desktop and can create compatibility problems with a browser.
  • Performance is High Priority - Knovel’s new platform is built on a new streamlined code base and powered by multiple data centers worldwide. Our global customer base can get faster access to answers, no matter where they are.
  • My Knovel now supports Shared Folders - Users can tag members of their work group or student team and share folders with links to saved titles, saved content, saved search queries and customized interactive content.

 Additional information about the new platform can be found at the Knovel Support Center.

Off-Campus Access to Knovel

Unfortunately, the new platform does not yet work with proxy servers.  The company will remedy this in the coming months. 

Until that time, there are some options so that off-campus researchers can access the Knovel content.

  1. Virtual Private Networking Service (vpn)

Download and install the vpn (Cisco AnyConnect), provided to you free by the MU Division of IT.

VPN support:

After installation, login to AnyConnect.

Click on the Knovel link to get access to the MU subscribed Knovel content:


2.  Set up a personal Knovel account.  This serves as a temporary access measure until the proxy server access is restored.

You must use your MU email address when registering for a My Knovel account.

To access Knovel with your My Knovel account, go to the Knovel site and click on My Knovel.


Accessing Specific Knovel Book Titles

Unfortunately, the changes in the platform have affected the direct access to specific book titles.  Until Knovel work out the problems, we can access them only by following using either the vpn or your My Knovel account as described above.

Once in Knovel, you can enter the title of the book and search for it.

We will work with Knovel to get the direct links restored as quickly as possible.

Contact Us

Contact Rhonda Whithaus ( or 573-882-9164) with any questions.