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Title IX and Education Law: Other Sources and Media

Other Sources

Claire McCaskill, The Bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act

This is a link to Senator McCaskill's brief summary of the major provisions and highlights of CASA, her proposed bill. Note that this is coming from her Senate office, so understand that it may be biased in favor of CASA. 

Claire McCaskill: About Claire

This is Senator McCaskill's basic "about me" page on her official website. The information is useful for understanding her background, and how her experiences as a prosecutor shaped her approach as a Senator. This information would be valuable to know when considering the possibility of working with Senator McCaskill on Title IX reforms or other legislation in the future. 

Title IX and Media

Wendy McElroy, Devil’s in the Details of Campus Accountability and Safety Act

This is a link to one of many articles opposing CASA, and arguing that it places investigations in the hands of the wrong people - universities - instead of law enforcement. 

Michael Carl, Campus-Rape Bill Comes Under Heavy Fire

This is a link to an article arguing against CASA on the grounds of due process and legal protections. The author argues that accused students will be at a greater disadvantage in criminal trials and at a greater risk of punishment generally if CASA becomes law.